Got on paint and started messing around lemme kno wat u think i may paint it like this
should i paint the trunk lid too or just the main cab
btw if i do this should i go back to just regular white or pearl
I think it would look weird if you do the hood and not the trunk. But if you do this, please remove the pinstripe, and weld on some evil eyes
oh yea that pin striping is coming off in the next few days and yea i may go in and edit the pic and put in evil eyes and repost the pic
Evil eyes made easy in 5 min..haha
Thats how Im doing my car if I ever get around to repainting it.
well to be honest its not so much about 2 toning it..but im kinda goin with a storm trooper theme..lol ill eventually get black rims or paint the sports..sounds funny but i havnt seen anybody trying it..lol
Maybe Im just not fluent enough in Star Wars but how does that make it look anything like a Stormtrooper? Id say a reverse penguin or a panda bear.
dew eet
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just the black and white coloring....and storm troopin is a little more manly..hahaha but i am gettin a storm trooper helmet sticker made and it will be on my car next week..lol
i could always reverse it and do a white top and black on bottom..lol
Looks like a sunfire cop car.
Go classy and stay with a single color white pearl metallic for the entire car (factory luxury looking, not the huge Kellogg's Frosted Flake crap you see).
Then get some classy 18's and the evil eyes would be a good addition too, if you could get rid of the original headlights for some nicer ones.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
IMO do it but keep the trunk and hood white, just the top portion black will look sick!!
thats wat i was thinkin..lol
Honestly, I think if you reversed it, it'd be a little more original. Black top's been done way too much. White top on black could be interesting, though.
once again thats what im saying..haha
Panda, Skunk, Zebra, Penguin.... All are black and white. I mean maybe it makes you feel more manly and original by calling it a Storm Trooper, but the storm trooper sticker isn't going to make the car look any more like one. I vote we just call it a Panda. To suck all the fun out of your "manly black/white car" idea.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.