my girls silver cav my moms four door and my dads two door in the garage
dads whip
dads engine bay
my girls engine, hah custom elbow piece
dads badges he made at work
hah moms car is all stock just some 17's crazyy wheel gap
just some random pics i felt like taking tonite.
your dads car is faster ! lol nice though
Haha, thats awsome how ur dad has a charger on his car. Lol. Nice job on all the J's tho but I would get that elbow fixed on ur girls car lol. Other then that Nice!
hah ill be buying my dads in a couple months and yeah i knoe its actually the stock intack for a 2200 lol none of the auto stores around here have a elbow piece tht will work.
haha i know me n my dad were trying to get her to let us put some eibachs on or something but she dont like the way my dads drives so she said no. bummer cuz it would look alott better but oh well
aw..how sweet...family bonding.....hey, that's a cool thing.....
Am I the only one that noticed the insane offset on his mom's wheels?
It looks like half the damn wheel and tire are sticking out of the wheel well!
hahah nah its not tht bad our driveway is on an angle so the driver side wheels are like in a dip and it makes it look like the wheel is out further than it is nice catch tho