Done, Minus one burnt out bulb and broken ballast. EFF.
Good enough till the parts get here.
Here we go!
I had to bend the lens using a heat gun. Take it from me; this is NOT fun at all.
I don't know why it shows up so blue, they are 6000k. I wanted 5000k but they only carried sixes. =( and 8000.
Thanks for looking!
I think if you had to bend the lens you did it wrong..
I did it wrong in the sense that I bought projectors that were too big.
IDK man it's not looking so hot unfortunately.
I <3 JGM
I think bigfoot is blurry,
that's the problem. It's not the photographer's fault. Bigfoot is blurry. And that's extra
scary to me. There's a large, out-of-focus monster, roaming the countryside.
"Run! He's fuzzy!" "Get outta here!"
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
I think it looks @!#$ hot
Yeah. The projectors seem to stick out a bit too far, but given the @!#$ I've put up with getting this done, it'll do. Retrofits are rare in Calgary, so I feel pretty good about it.
Not to mention other people might feel better since this gives me a cut off, unlike my previous "hid in stock slot" set up lol.
I've also got a set of ccfl rings that I'm throwing into the signal light slot so I think that may spiff it up a bit.
Thanks for the input guys!
How much did it cost? I'm looking to do the same thing.
yaaaaaaaaay progress
and hassoun, it cost roughly $150
i think its unique i like the lumps...lovely lady lumps lol looks good
I like the bulges in the lenses. The thing that gets me though is the headlight looks too busy, maybe some black molded shrouds around projector housing would clean it up. Good job man!