saw this in a google search i was doing and had to post it, this must be where buddy got his inspiration to build his own body kit from..
old seen this a while ago it wouldnt be a bad idea if done right though
Furious 2.2 wrote:old seen this a while ago it wouldnt be a bad idea if done right though
Though I just noticed that the front looks as if it may have been made out of the invader front. the front and skirts wouldn't look bad if the hood were left stock (without the fake headlight extensions especially). I don't know if people would take a sunfire with an obvious lambo ripoff bumper seriously, even if the work were quality. I believe this instance was a joke though.
is it just me, or does it look like that hood is made of wood?
Paper Mache body kits FTW! This has been posted.
And thoroughly discussed.
Dave De Stefano wrote:is it just me, or does it look like that hood is made of wood?
it is its in quebec theres more pictures on another forum il look for them
its plywood wieghs a butt load, i'm building few front bumpers that resemble various lambos, like the mucielago and galardo. got a fiberglass one that needs to be finished, and im working on a urethane one, but its expensive.
That is really nasty looking. It looks like the person in the back ground is flipping us off.
96 Cavfire and a tubbed Astro
waste of a type j kit..
man the rk sports kits are strong ass hell... but how do you mess one up like that lol . .
barf, we should return it to stock for him, so we can salvage the image of all j-bodys