sweet ass ride man
verry clean looking, nice stereo, but I'm not a fan of the black rims, to me they look like stock rims with the hubcaps missing.. but that could just be the pics too
but all in all, sweet!
your post makes me wanna punch babies.
few things i liked... black rims and the grey for the bezel and the intake setup.
few things i didnt like.... placing the speakers on the door panel itself, different colored driver 1/4 panel and all the ricer decals.
but its a beater and beaters are well... beaters.
Stand in the corner and SCREAM with me!!!!
relocate ECU
put door speakers where they belong
get oval/round fog lights
nice car, pulls off the beater look pretty well.
like the rims, some better pics might do it more justice.
make a front lip and get some $20 z24 side skirts!
its beat...not sure what else to say. Do you have a "nice" car?
No really the ssj is it.
and the stickers are to comically cover up a horribly painted quarter panel which was a self fix because somebody decided to back into my car and leave a huge dent. (get it band aid to cover the boo-boo?) but the other sticker (front bumper corners/ fender stripe) exist out of pour boredom..
the funny thing is i found better pictures RIGHT after posting this ill have to upload them later.
thanks for all the props guys.
whats "less than 9000 referring" to? how much you paid for the car? because that is a given already lol
valve cover looks nice, did you cut your bumper to fit 95-02 corners in it for some reason?
Stephen (manta z) wrote:whats "less than 9000 referring" to? how much you paid for the car? because that is a given already lol
valve cover looks nice, did you cut your bumper to fit 95-02 corners in it for some reason?
Dragonball Z reference
Except, the sticker does kind of read like less than 9000. lol
" To study and not think is a waste. To think and not study is dangerous. "
If I learned anything from school it is, < = less than and > = greater than
and that sticker says <9000.. so less than 9000 lol
i thought maybe it was some new "jdm" fad talking about revs lol
To remember which way around the "<" and ">" signs go, just remember:
•BIG > small
•small < BIG
The "small" end always points to the smaller number, like this: 0 < 9000
10 > 5
"10 is greater than 5"
So... wouldn't nothing be less than (<
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, November 28, 2009 9:59 AM
Yeah shortly there after i throwing those stickers on my car i found out that i put them on backwards not thinking.
and SS-J is on my liscense plate (also a DBZ reference) so i thought it would be funny to have over 9000 on it for the lulz sorta thing.
and the lights are stock factory 03-05 lights the corners are a vinyl sticker to fill in that corner piece that is taken up with 96-02 corner lights. From different angels it looks pretty aggressive (i also did that because i was bored and wanted to see what it looked like turned out it looked pretty good so it stayed)