whats up guys, wound up motivated to try this out finally this afternoon before work, didnt have time to get out and get some actuall pictures, but after playing with this, i an not wait to get the car out and about to really put this to the test.
You're doing it wrong
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport
Check it out! -->
I think I want your hood.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
I think it needs some paint.
2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
i spy dirt and random pin stripe lol. for some reason all the colors look really flat other then that nice job
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:26 AM
yeah, i think i did over do it on this one a bit. i was playing around with all ov the settings, and this is what i ended up with. its a little over the top, but more just to see what i could get out of the picture. i will keep everyone posted with when i finally have a day off to get all of the bugs off of the car, and get out and get something over than green in the background.
ok, i have been playing with photoshop for a bit, and figured out a bunch more, and this is what i have come up with. please ignore the bugs on the winsheild/bumper, and lacking of the paint/pinstripe on the front end.
still haven't painted my old skirts eh? lol
i really havent.... i have grown attached to this look i think......
i am just trying to get all of the body work done, and when i get out of school, get the whole car painted right.
Heres some tips that may help:
Avoid the shade/Shadows they don't work well with HDR that's why its so flat.
Look for a Drastic light difference. Thats one of the primary affects. Thats why I shoot into the sun alot. Neon lights or bright graffiti help out too. You just want a Big difference between the Lightest and darkest places in the pic.
Thats just some of the things I do, Might help you get a little more affect.
can i see the three exp? i would like to try my email is LarryMartin830@gmail.com
i can try, i donno if they are small enough to email. in the process right now, if you receive them, then it worked.... hahahaha
what is every one's fasination with HDR? i honestly find them to be a way for people with weak camera skills to make an "interesting picture". i would rather see a raw picture than HDR.
to be honest, i have been amazed with the "ability" to capture everything in "proper" focus. as if EVERYTHING was being your focus point. i am just trying this out. figured i would add something to my bag as far as abilities. it by no means well be something to use every time, but for those particular photos, they will make the difference from a good looking subject, and bad looking background, to perfect photo. something that i have also noticed, most hdr photos i have seen are over done, almost looking animated looking. this is not a characteristic that i am looking for.
2ca0va0lier0 wrote:what is every one's fasination with HDR? i honestly find them to be a way for people with weak camera skills to make an "interesting picture". i would rather see a raw picture than HDR.
when done right, i think they look pretty good.
i'm not a huge fan of the overly processed ones though (occasionally though I do see a nice shot that the over processing helps to accentuate the original pic)
i'm surprised we haven't seen the "rig" shot phase here. guess we're behind the trend on the org. HDR was big on other forums months ago... most have since moved to rolling rig shots and even those have been getting played out as of late.
^^ I was thinking the same thing lol. I guess there really aren't more than a few 'photographers' here. That, or they just don't have anything worth taking pics of
rolling rig shots?
i have a rolling rig shot somewhere.....
i gotta find it.... (glass truck carrying a bunch of mirrors, got a shot out the drivers window getting the reflection of the car.)
i am assuming this is not what you mean.... hahaha
thats amazing looking...... i am very interested..... know anywhere i can find more info on the rig?
Might be this monior , but it kinda looks like an HDR but the brightness is up to high.
Couple of really nice shots in there.
Nice job!
i agree that they are really flat. the white balance looks off by a lot in a couple of them. what are you shooting with? I tried playing with the levels a bit, and there's just not much color to work with.
87 Firebird
All stock...........lol.