ld9furrys old car.
all thats left is to
mount the seats
finish hooking up the fuel pump
put the new driver side axle
innertie rod end
mount the new side skirts
Lot of work to be done there. Good luck and hope you take it the right direction.
ummmmm sheesha that yellow is bright and ugly
everyone has a different taste in colors moods.and ect. i ike kinda like the yellow and black. when i start doing the body work the car will go black might make the seats stand out. from tony
A black car will make the seats look like they belong.
where are the large pix???
looks rough though. so many different colors
14.4 @ 101 Bradenton Motorsports Park 11/22/08
LD9Fury who? and he fails.
oo he must of not been on the site to. maybe just jbok.!!
ya when you feed gas in to the intake. but all ii have left is to rerun new hose for the feed and return like were the junkyard cut the tank outl.
you miss your seats yet..lol im remaking the brackets cuz i didnt like the ones you guys made.lol
chris howard wrote:oo he must of not been on the site to. maybe just jbok.!!
He is on here as well, he doesn't get on anymore but I see him on the cobalt/eco sites since he has a ss/sc.
There is still a lot of work there but if you keep at it then it will be finished in no time.

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
yep but christmass is comimg but the cavy has to wait for some more parts.. but i cant wait untill i can start driving her
Why yellow seats? Looks like you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you. Gods speed sir.
well they are solo cav old seats. and when i bought the car it didnt habe any seats so the yellows will go in for now. if not there going in my truck.
seats mounted inner tie rod on.
side skirt all thats left is to finish up the gas tank
i get to that... i just wanna drive her.!!!!!!!!! lol i need both sides if anyone has any laying around
i respect you for putting a car back together... more so than ever cars just end up at the scrap yard because their owners are either too lazy to put them back together or have lost interest.
thing is though... IMO its going to be a LONG time before you can say its 'finished up'.

You look so much cuter with something in your mouth.
VERY TRUE~~! but it better than her sitting in a junk yard when she can be saved ill be happy with what i have .. i miss me 96 celica but the cavy will get just as much love as the toyota did.