I need some input... should I remove the cav molding... remount the gt door molding... or move the cav molding to meet up with the top of the gt side skirts...?? or simply remove cav molding and leave as is...
I would personally at least remove the cav molding, and if u have the gt door skin, id put it on.
sounds good... ya I have the gt modlings.. the car is a GT... the original doors were all banged up and I got these doors for free.... so I couldn't really complain... plus color matched door handles + mirrors are a bonus
i'll get some more pictures up later tonight.... just finished getting hte other door on.... looks really nice.. plus the doors shut way better then my stockers... always had to slam those.. these you can push shut with one finger...
here's the other side + a better shot of the drivers side.. the cav side moldings will be coming off tomorrow... still not sure if i'll be putting the gt ones back on or not.... they are a pain in the ass to put on since i'll have to drill the doors..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, June 07, 2008 5:14 PM
drivers side is a bit wider and the hood sits a tiny bit higher on that side.... I have tried everything to even out the gap... it has never been equal.. the door gap is pretty much bang on... not really sure what more can be done to tighten up the hood/fender gap.... the hood sits bang on dead center... i've pulled it off, both fenders and front bumper have been pulled.. plus both doors... and the gap is always nice and tight on the passenger... but @!#$ on the drivers side..... definitely open to suggestions on how to fix this problem.. currently I have washers under the top front 2 bolts on the fender... I even tried swapping the hood with a hood I know sits 100% perfect on another sunfire.. but same problem
Washed her up today and tested out my new clay bar kit... seemed to work pretty good... she goes in tomorrow to get the rear qrtrs fixed / painted... rear bumper painted.... i'll post pictures when she's all done.... just for a little sample... here is what I started out with..
and now...
as for the clay bar... I think it worked out pretty good..
Hows it match????almost woulda been better to just do the whole car?
I was looking at the pictures last night and thought... wait a second!! I should get them to shave the antenna... but by the time I got ahold of them it was to late... would have cost a pretty penny since they had already painted....
as for matching.. it matches pretty damn good... would have easily cost double + some to get the whole car done they blended it in pretty good.... you could tell under their lights that the stock paint had faded slightly but they'll be doing a good buff and wax of the rest of the car... if all goes well i'll be picking up a evil eye hood pretty soon so there was no use painting the stocker
Should have gotten them to pull the GT skirts off all together and put some cav ones on there.

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
slvrblit (formerly bLk99cAv) wrote:Should have gotten them to pull the GT skirts off all together and put some cav ones on there.
Would have cost to much and required repainting both front fenders which are in excellent condition..... body shop rates here are not cheap.... most shops are between 80-90 a hour....
take a whole side shot of the car! from those pics it looks good. side shot will tell the story!
WiGM-Tuners member.
Don't mind the car being dirty... I got caught in a downpour last night