I'll start with my pics, the rest of you post yours too.
Agent Omega
I do not know who owns the rest of these Js.
That CANT be ALL the J's out there is it?? I hope that is a greatest hits list...
Wish I could have joined you out there....
Hey you forgot to take a picture of my dark green 04 turboed cavy. I met a couple of people from this forum but I didnt see the blue 4 door or that athere blue cav.
i think i've got pics of a few more... haven't gone through my pics yet though.
was nice meeting you kyle!
Really sucks i didnt get to make it out there this year. I see my buddy (deejay24) made it there ok tho. How was the weather?
There was a slight rain in the morning, but cleared up in the afternoon.
There were more Js there, but those are the ones i have picks of.
I Just got back to college. There was a killer wreck from 2 kids street racing on I-81 just inside Scranton, PA.... I didn't see it happen, but there was an Integra rolled over on its roof in the ditch, tires marks running across the road and then a civic parked a little ways up. Looked like the kid was leaning on his car in handcuffs while the officer was talking to him. Other kid was being taken on a stretcher into an ambulance.
I'm remotely thinking it make have been one of the CNY 1320 guys from up here around me in syracuse, because they are known for doing stupid @!#$ like this all the time. No idea tho, maybe i'll check the Scranton news later tonight.
Edit for pics..
No idea..
No idea..
Jake Hershey - Kid we sponsor.
Strat81- Nice to finally see ya again buddy. Next time hopefully I'll have my sedan with me
Not sure who this was, but had a very nice and clean ride. Also had the GM charger in it.
Now we're getting some motivational pictures made out of these. Tinkles was there for this one, not the second.
Brad - i wasn't able to get any good pics of your car, since you were indoors and it was black as hell in there.
My daily driver..
No idea
No idea
Now i don't know this guy's name, but he's like 50 and lives out towards Joey baggs and Mark A in Rochester, NY. Doesn't come off as a friendly guy, but i see his car everywhere. I just call him "I Glow" since thats what his plates say.
This was done in aluminum, we're going to re-do them in Stainless soon...
And since chris's car was rushed done for this show, we forgot to add tranny fluid to the tranny so we couldn't even get it judged or anything...

I'm also not going to reveal his new setup either, i'll leave that up to him.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, May 11, 2008 5:11 PM
that last cav is Darrels, hes and awesome guy! and awesome to party with! :p
Here is a pick i have. Have fun with it guys.
^^^ wow that green one has a nice widebody but the front and spoiler ruin it.
yea the green cav has a bad eclipse tail light conversion too with the work they did crackin all the way across the trunk lid. the lines didnt flow at all
That 00-02 red cavy is fawkin GORGEOUS and that green widebody below it is AWFUL
sweet looks like a lot of fun lot of nice j's
that 2nd gen. is a buddy of my buddy. If that makes sense. It is a very clean car.
damn wish I could of went i got stuck working on my camaro def be there next year
z28guy(KGM BEOTCH)
is that a 2.4 venom intake manifold modded for that eco??? or was it completely custom made? looks exactly like a venom to me...
and the red 95-99... where's the upper radiator support brace?

Riddle me this... riddle me that...
yeah it was an awosome show, ill post up all my pics when i get them on the computer, was definatly nice to meet some of you guys, i didnt even see some of the cavs in the above pictures, but there were a lot of nice js there that red one was sick, and for some reason i really liked that pink one, it flowed nicely
The turbo ecotec is my car. I wish I could of met you guys! There where alot of nice J's there!
z yaaaa (the riddler) wrote:is that a 2.4 venom intake manifold modded for that eco??? or was it completely custom made? looks exactly like a venom to me...
and the red 95-99... where's the upper radiator support brace? 
We talked to the owner of the car and it was a custom made one out of aluminum. He has hood clearance issues with it as you can see where the intake had to be beaten down in order to close the hood. We're going to look into making them out of stainless since we had someone before this show approach us to making one for him.
More engine bay pics of that sc'd black z!!!
great looking cars!
Tinkles, how do you keep your steelies looking so nice? Were they re-painted or no? Do you put anything on them to make them shine better?
the black s/c z is publikdstrbnce i'll tell him to get on and post more pics if you want.