So i picked up my next little project last night.. wanted a few opinions..
Sorry about the crappy pics.. but what i want to know is..
Should i leave the spoiler on???
Or Take It Off??
I say keep it on but did you put the spoiler on upside down????
lol no, the gray part is where the inners and keyhole used to be.
I just wasnt sure if it would ruin the "Smooth" look of the car...
take the spoiler.. put it in a box and send it to me.
Hahahaha, pay me and i'll think about it
i see keep it but i dont know how it will look when ya put it in the sunfire, how much did ya pay to get to get that shaved?
I like the 00-02 LS Sport spoiler. I put an 02 trunk and spoiler on my 03.
naw man, send the spoiler to me lol
i like shaved trunks w/o spoilers (with a few rare exceptions...this wing not being one of them)
I Gave 30$ Plus my stock suspension, he only needed it to get his car off blocks and into the paint shop... wasnt alot really
and ok gary, i'll get right on that Mr. "I don't talk to you at meets" lol
Put it on but mold it in.
That would be best.
seeing as u didn't come talk to me who are you to talk LOL
LOL well..... blech, i was meeting new people!! I've already met you.. then everyones like LETS GO LEAVE lol and then you guys all took off for pictures which i wanted in BTW!! lol
I'd say definitely leave it off.
That's what i was thinking... cause if it gets filled in, it's gonna be done right.. plus, Im wanting more of a smooth look... and i have a cary rear going on, and the car is going for paint next year so it will all be done for then.
Leave the spoiler, but put the lights back in the trunk.
FU Tuning
Spoiler-less FTW! Keep it clean!
John Higgins wrote:but put the lights back in the trunk. FIRE2HOT . wrote:What?
I think he means you shouldn't have shaved the inner taillights. I agree. I have always thought that shaved inners look really weird. Just my .02 though

John Higgins wrote:Leave the spoiler, but put the lights back in the trunk.
Good call. Shaved inner tail lights look like poop IMO.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.
huh, so that sounds like a great idea, have a pretty unique part like a shaved trunk and mod it back to stock..
i like it without the inners, i just cant fathom telling someone to do something like unshave something, thats like telling someone to put their door handle back on their shaved doors
Ok well he did post and asked for opinions so I gave mine. My opinion is sahve lights on the trunks of J's look like @!#$, just light tailight swaps (like from other cars).
FU Tuning