so, i have an 05 cavalier, and loved the bc2 kit. it wasn't made yet for the new models. so, picked one up piece by piece way back when..goin on 2 years

so then i moved to florida for a summer (basically) and the kit collected dust...but while in florida i picked up this dandy piece:

for only my stock hood

few small scratches, but no problem
so anyway..back to ohio..
i got started workin on afore mentioned bc2..
filled in the round "fog" holes - little more touch up and they're done, fixed some cracks (like that when i got it)
i also have the rest of the kit, haven't much done anything to that yet
much work still to do to make it how i plan..
picked a carbon oem hood, killer deal..not to pass on.. added some eyelids (thanks ben, chad and jay lol)
shot of the back, muffler coming off, tails getting some attention soon enough - badly fading, can't tell in the pic
interior, pretty normal. hope to have paintwork done in the near future

threw the old plates back there to cover some holes (speaker location - didn't work out)

and thats my plexi light - daytime of course. lights don't currently work, but did for about a day. look for that to change soon tho
so thats my little project. hope to be completed (maybe painted, but completed) by bash time.
comments, criticism and anything else you'd like to add

thanks for lookin
alotta work you have to do...
Built&Boosted moar
04 Cavalier Turbo r.i.p my baby
2nd place 2009 GM tuner bash qwick 8--holla
Looking good. I bet it fits better than mine.
nice man can't wait to see it all finished. i LOVE the BC2 kit
Kfed and John Popper reunite in 08?
Shane can come too!
Cars lookin good sir, keep up the progress and get the proper fender fromT2 this time!
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Sorry you got the wrong fender. I'll get you the correct one just as fast as I can.
I'm kinda excited to see the BC2 kit on the car. Should look awesome! Good luck!
It was good meeting you anyway!

Go Go OG Traction!!
Qwik2k2z24 wrote:Kfed and John Popper reunite in 08?

Shane can come too!
Cars lookin good sir, keep up the progress and get the proper fender fromT2 this time!
I'm all about a reunion bro. should be good times. What about the other 2 dudes in the pic, can they come too lol
I FEEL your Pain!!
Good luck pick'n it back up
its about damn time you get some pics up j!!!! i see you went ahead and filled the fog light holes. *cough*bastard*cough

. lookin good bro. cant wait to see it done!!!.

I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
looking good bro
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
its about time you had some progress pics. hood looks great man. the bumper is gonna look killer too when its finally done. you should come down here one day and we'll work on your bumper. glassing AND other secret things
wow i thought there was gonna be a ton more work to mod the bc bumper to fit. looks like fun, sucks i'm to busy to give a hand.
hot damn i remember taking that picture!
sorry about the fender, i've got the proper one just for you!!!
p.s. those other 2 guys are from up north i believe....don't remember there names but they were pretty cool to hang out with
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 01, 2008 9:48 PM
i always wondered who took that pic
i think jay told me once but i forgot. now i won't forget

and no rush on the fender. either nick is gonna get up there or i might get bold and roll up there soon
and thanks to everyone for comments. i've still got lots of fun ahead of me
i'm havin a bbq before we head out to jco
or even the jbom bbq
good times will be had!
03-05 evil eyes own.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 01, 2008 10:12 PM

Riddle me this... riddle me that...
this is the plexi light lit..won't be green when i'm done

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Wellcomeee baaaaaackkkkk
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD
328 HP
306 TQ
Why don't you just find the cheapest bumper for an 03 and cut the top off, or make a mold from your stock bumper to match up with your bumper instead of hacking it up and taking longer? BTW nice trunk you have there. We are so dumb for not just trading trunks when we meet up the first time. It was nice to let you come see that huge house we lived at for a while thou.
like i said up there ^^ this whole project started before the bc2 style was produced for the model year
but yea, why we didn't do that the first time, i dont know..but it was pretty cool checkin out the digs
hood looks good bud, glad someone got some use out of that thing, im loving the eyelids