Does anyone recognize these cars? I've had these pics on my wall for the longest time and always wondered if any of them were on here or not.
this one was in an issue of superstreet IIRC
And these were in some cheap canadian tuner magazine i had subscribed to at SCN one year
nope not sure. the first two look familiar, but cant think who they belong to
doesnt your mag say who they belong to?

coming back in 2008...
The first one is from sport compact car, "beer runner" I think was the name of the article. The owner used to post here.
Dunno about the other.
the black with white stripes is russ weisgarber from saskatchewan canada
i want to go head and say the 2nd cav looks like josh brown's before he added the blue graphics to it
yeah, i cut up the magazines, another thing i remember is that i beleive the silver and red cavs, the two owners are brothers i think