Sweet Phewes! Its like that TV show Viper from the later 80s! Turns from red to gray! HAHAHAHA!!!!
Woulda been funny if you just throw on some truck snows and just keep the air ride all the way extended all winter long! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
no damage to the car? or yet to be able to find out?

Steve-O wrote:no damage to the car? or yet to be able to find out?
pics of how the car faired from the collapse are in my progress thread also in this forum.

Took this one today FL FTW
Currently removing Vinyl graphics and geting ready for paint.....should be done by feb sometime.... but thats winter mode!!

RIP JESSE GERARD.....7.11.87/1.25.08(sunfireboi)
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steven c. wrote:
Took this one today FL FTW
wow that car is clean as @!#$.. more pics bro more pics...
i who have nothing but the comfort of my sins...
BLWN L61 wrote:
New permanent look or just for winter? Saw your sale posts thats just why I wondering.Also, did you tint your black corners or is it just the pic?
Just my opinion, but I dont realy like the sides with the ls front. Not too bad though, the if front just fits it better.
Mine in winter mode ...
This was last year, only difference the hub caps are currently missing

This year ...
Look close, you will see 3 j's under all that white stuff.

There she is......

If the Grand Prix was a brighter white I would have lost it......

Cool snow drift.

All cleaned off
Happy New Year!
it hides the salt & dirt pretty well lol

Getting "better built" for the '08...
Holloween Z42t wrote:it hides the salt & dirt pretty well lol
Yes it does, haha. Glad to see you got the side fixed, once again sorry about that...lol
Mine sits on blocks in a garage right now.... don't think it would make it out if i wanted it too lol. GC's vs 12 inches of snow = I lose.
I wanna go fast!!
My BLU-ZIP is put up safe away from the dumbasses who don't know how to drive in the winter.
Here she is all covered in snow a few weeks ago.
These pics were taken on the same day BTW. We got like 8 inches of snow...