what brakes do yoiu have?
factory in front with cross drilled and slotted rotors... still got the drums out back...
sweet pics..... you guys get any of my primered pos?
Spencer - One of these years when i finally actually get my car in a position to be drivin more than 200 miles a year... we need to meet up again.
Always have been a fan bro!
Next summer is going to be striping her down to nothing but a frame and taking care of NY's winter toll she took on the car underneath and fix everthing in prep for my S/c'd Ecotec swap.
LarryMartin830 wrote:my fav 4 door.
my 2nd fav 4 door
auto-x is so much fun!!! i can't wait to do it again....too bad the summers already over with!
car looks good spence, nice & clean as always
is there gonna be boost boost in the future?
That car is beautiful. Period.
Dan Trump

2004 Cavalier LS Sport - Victory Red
Looks nice! Love seeing modded sedans run Auto X! How did you do? What class are you running?
Proud member of
looks nice man..please consider gettin projectors w/ the HID's though
the way it is now > track whore
streetdreamz... i am considering it. thing is, i'd have to buy a second set of housings as i'm not sure the retro'd stock housings would pass inspection. as it is, the stock bulbs have to go back in to pass inspection.
ramairsedan... i was running novice modified. last year i was sts... i'm not sure that our region is real stringent on classing. they didn't look over the car or anything, just asked me what i had and not in any real detail either..
t2... not sure yet... still debating on what i want to do with the car.
whoops missed a few...
cody... definetely have to get some pics together and hang out again.
if i decide to make the car a track car, the exterior will stay the same. i'd be looking at gutting the interior (carpet, trim pieces, etc), puttin in an autopower roll bar, big brakes, possibly change up the suspension abit and wheels and tires as well.
hey can you get some more pics of the valve cover i was thinking about doing the same thing
spence, bout time you posted. u get that wrx and dissapear for awhile.. purty as always. looks good spence. hows the wrx treating you?

12.5@116 2.0 60ft
I like it.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
big brakes and boost and you have the best sedan ever. crazy sexy
Thanks man that looks awesome...did you just use some sort of high temp engine paint??