Aww, Homer got her big girl suspension on.

Haha, she looks good. Though, I'm just as low on AGX and Prokit

drop looks good. ur still dirty.
On the other have other fingers.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:not funny... i just can't find that funny... not with 2 copies of the Candyland board game on your shelf.
I hate you both.

"We Finished our Fight. Your fight begins in 19 days.
Are you ready?" -Bungie
gotta love dropped red sunfires
looks sweet
If I'm weird and everyone else is weird, does that make me normal?
Versus Motorsports really @!#$ sucks
and so does DHL...but more
looks great..... hows she ride?
The ride is horrible, lol. I'm so used to the car rising and falling willy nilly because I was on blown struts that I'm not used to a car that actually handles well. I deffinitely love the way she takes curves, though. Very nice.
Thanks for the approval, Ryan.

"We Finished our Fight. Your fight begins in 19 days.
Are you ready?" -Bungie
yeah i went from @!#$ty ebay coils to koni sport suspension...... talk about night and day
looking good!
I wonder if the people tailgating you will see the smilies better?
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
That is 10x better. Sunfires always look good dropped like that.
I think it looks like a lump of red poo.
KevinP (Stabby McShankyou) wrote:
and I'm NOT a pedo. everyone knows i've got a wheelchair fetish.