Nice, Very nice except you need to lay under that rear tire like ive seen someone do before
PS did you get your AC pulley and window fixed?
sweet as always....nice 50/50 grind
car looks super long here....
Lovin it!
Thanks everyone!
Vince, yeah I did that 3 years ago...

Im sure some of you guys remember those pics of my old car.
Also the AC and tranny will be fixed during winter time.
You car always looks so clean... I forget that your tails are like that, and I think that is the only way I would put those on a car. BTW it was really good to meet you at the little bash we had. Take care.
So clean & sexy.
Can't hate on a thing.......I love it.
Love that harness bar, it's on my list.
Good to see my Baers went to a good cause
goddamn that car is clean!
Trey - thanks! nice to meet you too!
zyaaaa - one day maybe...
Joe - come on now, pick one that you dont like!

j/k thanks!
Brian - thanks, I love how they look on there and its braking performance too..
PrimerBeast - thanks!
your car completes me. i want your rims. im gonna copy you
I want it to be inside of me!!
i mean...uh...nevermind
Love it darren!!! Nice tires!!

Go Go OG Traction!!
what size are the wheels? 20's?
A really nice cav!! One of the cleanest and i really like the air ride on it!!!
For your RSX seats, did you make your onw brackets? Do you have pics of your installation? I ask because i have rsx seats too in my 2000 sunfire but they are not as good looking as yours with the installation!! I would like to see your!!
Thanks and again, great car!!
@!#$ sick as always. I never get tired of seeing your car.
Very nice man. very clean. post some more pictures
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
yellow22 - haha, you cant have them! sure you can do that cuz it would look good in yellow too
Jay - the passenger seat's almost always available beside the switchbox sitting on there at most of the time
Nick - how do u mean? do tell!

RKSport2003 - thanks!
David William - they re 19's
Eric Trudel - thanks! no I didnt have to make brackets for those seats.. I used the stock RSX sliders to fit with some long bolt studs and drilling through the brace frame on floor.. pm me, I'll send u some pics but they are not that clear.
caviking88 - we all can be crazy!!
05xtremecav - haha yeah looks like it! thanks!
Pliz-E - thanks!
Mr.MCD - thanks! yeah I could post more.. I took 270 pics today

but had to pick the 20 out of them.
Perry - yeah for sure and alignments are done too.. thanks!