Here we go. First time ever i dyno'd my car with all my bolt ons. This is wheel dyno not engine.
yup I think I would've cried to. LOL Needs some boost
j-body = NOMORE
thats not bad at all for 2.4 auto with bolt ons and 13" front brakes with 18's
not bad man just keep it up
If you wana cry ... then you need to come dyno my 2200, that will make you cry like a little school girl, lol
its a 96, with basic, basic bolt ons, what did you expect?
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
what are all the bolt ons that u have? what size of the engine?
i should be crying not you
Nick K wrote:what are all the bolt ons that u have? what size of the engine?
i should be crying not you
Its all in my profile.
2.4 with new rebuilt engine car has 140k

thats basically what ive got done to my car, cept i have secret cams and hptuners.
i would be happy as hell if my car put down at least what my other car did (151whp) mine now is an auto, the other is a 5spd. but i doubt it would, it feels so much slower its not funny.
boost that ish and be done with it. plain and simple.
haha really makes you want to buy a different car doesnt it
navycav3 wrote:haha really makes you want to buy a different car doesnt it 
if your talking to me??? lol... no i really dont, i didnt buy this one to really be that fast, id like it to be fast, but its not my main priority.
i had to much bad luck with my 5spd car, i put less than 10,000 miles on it went through 2 tranny's, a top end, and a bottom end in 2 years. needless to say, i love my auto car because it doesnt freaking blow up every weekend.
^^damn...does that happene alot with Cavi's?
Nick K wrote:^^damn...does that happene alot with Cavi's?
idk, i beat the absolute piss outta mine, plus the previous owner had spray on it and i have no idea how much was used or how often. just know it was used.
i logged about 90 pases down the track with mine over the course of those 2 years, and like i said beat the piss outta it, it def got used. but i paid for it a lot.
It happend to my sunfire (it's doing it for the second time now), my syncros keep going out even after a rebuild and babying it. Izuzu trannys in 3rd gens suck. That about what my power curves look like, but I'm suprised the tourque curve isn't a little flatter. My tourque is pretty much flat from around 2 grand all they up to just before redline (roughly same peak number though). Horsepower is pretty much the same. (I should mention that my numbers are NET not wheel horsepower and tourque though, it was done while moving with fancy electronics so they may be a little off)
z yaaaa wrote:navycav3 wrote:haha really makes you want to buy a different car doesnt it 
if your talking to me??? lol... no i really dont, i didnt buy this one to really be that fast, id like it to be fast, but its not my main priority.
i had to much bad luck with my 5spd car, i put less than 10,000 miles on it went through 2 tranny's, a top end, and a bottom end in 2 years. needless to say, i love my auto car because it doesnt freaking blow up every weekend.
no i wasnt talking to you, haha
but i guess i could, i drive an auto too, dont you worry, and even with my supercharger and the other mods i have done it would still be hard to keep up with the next car that im wanting to get
thats why i say "really makes you want to buy a different car doesnt it"
The HP is not bad for the mods, but the torque is what I would be crying at. This is the first dyno for a 2.4 I have seen that shows lower torque than HP. I wonder if that is because of the auto tranny.
FU Tuning
I'd like a dyno reading like that. Sometimes I wonder if my engine still has 100 ponies to go around. God forbid you want to climb a hill
and use the air conditioner.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Geeky wrote:I'd like a dyno reading like that. Sometimes I wonder if my engine still has 100 ponies to go around. God forbid you want to climb a hill and use the air conditioner. 
more like god forbid you want to climb a hill OR use the air conditioner
And how much does a stock Eco dynoes?

Just playing.
Just boost it lmao.
John Higgins wrote:The HP is not bad for the mods, but the torque is what I would be crying at. This is the first dyno for a 2.4 I have seen that shows lower torque than HP. I wonder if that is because of the auto tranny.
check out my registry, my sheets show lower torque then HP on a 5spd. not much at all, but still.. lol you said youve never seen one before.
Honestly, I have to say for an auto, I don't think that's all that bad...really...
I mean, hell, last summer my ex-wife dynoed her 2200 auto with intake and catback and got 85 whp and something like 98 wtq (it was basically meant as a baseline, although I don't see her doing too much else to the car now, without my help). Now, you wanna talk about sad...
Sure, you'd like to think with the bolt on work you've done you might get a little bit more power, but honestly, what did you expect to see? Biggest thing that surprised me, honestly, was that your A/F ratio looks as good as it does. Do you have some kind of tuning done that isn't listed in your registry?
Now you guys ARE scaring me though as far as the Isuzu tranny goes though - I've got a '98 'fire GT with 92K on it, and I am planning, hopefully, to make some substantial power gains (exact numbers aren't important to me but I'd say a bit north of 200 whp to make me happy). Are you basically saying that my tranny is gonna take a crap on me at some point along the way? It seems to shift just fine as it is now (except when I put it into reverse...almost EVERY time there's this nasty grating sound that I figure is probably the reverse synchro hating life or something like that). I do plan eventually to upgrade to a Spec Stage 2+ or something like that and a Fidanza flywheel, but I know that has little to do with the strength of the rest of the tranny (hell a clutch that grabs harder may actually grenade the tranny quicker...).
My Stock Eco put 123 hp and like 132 tq. give 1-2 hp... Hmm i need to put bolt on's to see what she runs then.
John Higgins wrote:The HP is not bad for the mods, but the torque is what I would be crying at. This is the first dyno for a 2.4 I have seen that shows lower torque than HP. I wonder if that is because of the auto tranny.
mine dynoed 171hp/158trq.......

I blame the stock after cat exhaust
'02 Z24 420whp
'04 GTO 305whp
W41 BOI -
'78 Buick Opel Isuzu W41 Swap