Hey, your spoiler actually fits now.
I like the painted hubs too.
Keep it up.
O, btw, sucks about the thumb, lol.
i think it ended up bad for him. but. it might have been for the best.
He did get the short end, but your old spoiler does look good w/ the LS Sport kits... it has its own "built-in lip"
hehe nice. the spoiler swap WAS his decision tho. so. anywho. im alot happier with it
CodeRedZ24 (aka Geeds) wrote:I actually like the old one better myself
what side skirts do you have wojo? they kinda look like coupe z24's but dont have much of a bend underneath, than again they look like either sunfire skirts or cavi Z vert skirts...
i personally like the new one. and also. the sideskirts came off of a sunfire coupe.
Here is what my car will look like here in the next year i HOPE. its PURE SEX
Old spoiler looks better. Get rid of those window thingys...can't think of the name off the top of my head.
They're called vent visors. I just took mine off and realized that I must have been on crack when I put them on. Car looks way better without them. But they are nice to have if you smoke.
yeah i kinda have to agree w/ losing the vent visors, shoulda pulled those off in the chop

, they probably wont survive the tooning process anyways.
lol. weel have to see what happens. i might be able to sell them to a friend for 30
Hey, that spoiler looks familiar bro, lol.
Id post pics of the swap on my end but theres no way im posting until my car is back together, its tore down at ym dads shop a tthe moment, I gotta stop staring at it trying to decide what to do about my front bumper..... onc ei decide that ill fix the trunk and respray it. LOL
nice. lol. i hope you get it back together soon man. i think your end result will look good.