boooo! the car looks so nicet right now (one of my top 3 favorite J's)...why not just leave it how it is and not mod anymore? maybe sell the nx kit since your not wanting to mod anymore
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, January 02, 2007 1:47 PM
Would have been super hot........but, I don't blame you I did the same thing (sorta) and couldn't be happier.
the car will be just as hot stock/lowered
why not just leave it how it is and sell the NX kit or if you want to give it to me i will pay shipping
damn ken, that sux but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, would have like to seen wat the nx kit would have dun against my car this summer.....
<aDdiCtEd 2 BoOsT>...EcOtEc...
why is it that everyone whos done modding, puts everything back to stock??
no offense and i dont know your life, but if your not selling it then why not keep it like it is??
Thanks for all the comments guys..
I would keep it as it is but frankly im not digging the look anymore and would prefer my stock ls sport stuff back on.
As for losing money going back to stock.. Im not. Ive got my origional skirts and headlights coming back and all I need is a stock ls sport rear and I can paint that cheap.
For the nitrous kit.. I really dont know what Ill do with it. Id be happy selling or keeping it. But I really could use the money.
I just scraped by with tuition this semester and books and I guess im just growing out of the scene personally. Im tryin to get done with school and start a real career. Plus I plan on popping the question to my perfect girlfriend sometime this year and the car just doesnt matter to me as much as the other things in my life.
Like Mark said.. Id love to go all out on this car.. But I know what im doing will be more then worth it
Thanks again fellas
Oh one more thing.. For those people wondering what im going to be selling... Give me a little bit to organize everything and Ill be making a offical post in my regional section... Hopefully that keeps my inbox for overfilling LOL
Heres the start of the list for for all the people that keep asking me...
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, January 02, 2007 4:38 PM
I understand where your coming from Ken. Stock is just easier and less headaches.
Sold 2/2/05
well that sucks. at least thanks for the great price on the black corners
awwww WTF ken!! dont do it!! say it isnt so!!!
I think you're lying.
hmm....deja vu? im selling my 96z im stepping out of the J scene....and buyin an ES AR TEE FOR! ok im back in the J scene and im moddin the @!#$ out of this car....ok i quit again...please tell me your woman is more decisive then you!

much <3 ken
DropTopPaul wrote:hmm....deja vu? im selling my 96z im stepping out of the J scene....and buyin an ES AR TEE FOR! ok im back in the J scene and im moddin the @!#$ out of this car....ok i quit again...please tell me your woman is more decisive then you!
much <3 ken
ahaha I know I did sell my 96z to get out but its like a drug and everyone knows it... I got sucked back in like I knew it was going to happen, but oh well
Like Rob said stock.. easier to maintain and less headachs...Im not showing the car anymore. So why do I need to stick out in a croud ya know? Thats just my thoughts
My parts list is growing in the regional section for sale and WTB!
Thanks again guys
i really like the car man, in fact i love it
always had a thing for white j's
^ Thanks
Im waitin to hear what dougal has to say about this now he wont have competition
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, January 03, 2007 1:15 PM
you have a PM

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
you have a pm

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.