wtf is this....... even the gay tan cat wants to know!!!
-Pacesetter Ceramic coated header -------> Thank you Turbo Tech Racing
-Magnaflow highflow cat --------> Thank you Turbo Tech Racing
-Dynomax Thrush 31" resonator - from Summit
-Jegs j-body 2.25" manderal bent catback (sold the gay resonated exhuats tip "mufler" it came with) - from Jegs
-Dynomax Super Turbo mufler - from Summit
once its all installed I'm gonna weld on a aluminized exhaust turndown (sleeper exhaust tip - looks stock)
and the new sig is obviously below (clear your Cache if its still the old sig) . I absolutely HATE winter/cold weather with a passion, so I used a picture I took when me and the girlfriend went on vacation to the Punta Cana in the Domincan Republic early this year and I had Kardain add my logo for me

I know wishful thinking can't warm up winter but its worth a shot hahahah
awesome, to bad what looks to be about 24-30 inches of that pipe is gonna be replaced with that res
nice parts
the pipe sectoin is shorter then the resonator. The down pipe form the pacesetter will be chopped to get rid of the huge diameter reduction to make it fit INSIDE stock piping, right at the end of that will be the header and the resontaor dirrectly fallowing the cat. It will be close but I mesured @!#$ out a couple times ahead of time
Nice toys! The sig reminds me of a Corona commercial
mmm i need that resonator
Pilz-E wrote:Nice toys! The sig reminds me of a Corona commercial 
Corono commercial FTW
the gay tan cav isnt so gay anymore.
I wanted to see the gay tan cav in the sig.
Very nice!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
I knew you couldn't leave it alone.
Mmmmmm, NICE! Stainless Stainless Stainless....I love Stainless!
Hows that muffler gana sound?
and part numbers?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, November 10, 2006 10:27 PM
i too am really beginning to hate winter
themarin8r wrote:i too am really beginning to hate winter
I give it another 5 years and I'm moving to AZ or southern Utah, @!#$ Chicago, yesterday it was 69 degrees outside and not a cloud in the sky, today mid 30's lots and lots and lots of rain with some snow flurries and right now theres been a severe weather alert for wind that starteda few hours ago and goes till 6 am, this place sucks.
Admiral Jedi wrote:Can I have your cat?
the gay tan cat = yes the magnaflow =
Scotty B wrote:Hows that muffler gana sound?
and part numbers?
gonna sound as close to stock as possible, very quite, granted its not gonna flow quite as well as a fart can but seeing as this is for the daily driver / beater car I don't want to be getting pulled over for dumb things, plus fart cans look so stupid when you can see them, with ground effects that have a exhaust opening that hides the can so all you can see is the tip it looks good, when its base modle and you see the whole thing sitting there is looks HORRIBLE. heres a thread, it has part numbers in there somewhere.
SEC-Z wrote:Mmmmmm, NICE! Stainless Stainless Stainless....I love Stainless!
not stainless, just new and shiney
Predator wrote:I knew you couldn't leave it alone.

I tried.... I really did
Admiral Jedi wrote:I wanted to see the gay tan cav in the sig. 
if there is a car it will be my silver one
Pilz-E wrote:Nice toys! The sig reminds me of a Corona commercial 
I actually stole the Sig idea from Jason

and its the color combo that makes the car, I don't what you do to it tan with beige interior will always be gay
Edited 2 time(s). Last edited Friday, November 10, 2006 11:17 PM
wait, im confused, you want this to sound stock?
dude the pipe looks great!
Sam Krajnik wrote:wait, im confused, you want this to sound stock?
the point of an exhaust is get the burnt exhuast gases out, the more effecient it is at doing so the better. I'm changing the exhaust is for better flow and more power, not to make noise, if I was after noise I'd hack off the mufler and be done with it
looks great man! but i need to know what it sounds like when its done

cant wait
I'm instaling the header tommarow, I'm gonna stay late after work and get that put in, the rest I'll prolly slack on for a while, but there for sure be vid clips once its done
Gay Tan Cav FTMFW
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, November 10, 2006 11:58 PM
Looks nice ryan...cant wait to hear it.....sad thing is, is im more excited for the gay tan cav then i am teh silver one...later man.
gettin tired of seeing stupid updates of this damn car ryan.. I WANT UPDATES ON THE SILVER ONE DAMNIT! stop @!#$in around with this one and work on the silver one more.. give me the gay tan one and focus on ur silver one and everything will be good..
btw all u had to do was ask me to make the sig, i made ur last one i coulda added small parts of ur old sig in it. I didnt see the AG post till it was over with lol
looking good.......but dont really see the reason of investing money on the base cavy when it and your silver cavy are identical other than the trim levels. use that money on more things for the silver one. your silver cavy is a very sweet looking ride. thats just me though...........the gay cavy is gay no more.
ClassGlass / RkSport / Eibach / Motegi / Ractive / Borla / K&N
so wait jegs makes a exhaust for our car now?
300hp&tq coming soon