thats freakin cool
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
Ken aka Ken96z wrote:oh my

I may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
PIMP! another J-body famous! do u think there on the jbo?
^^^^^ lol i was going to make a post in the regional forum's asking that
couldn't they have chosen a better looking model?
yeah an 03-05 cavy would have been better your right
hey its a cavy so its a start. LOL
I think a Sunfire would have been better.
If you watch KOTH alot, youll notice the cavi is in tons of episodes I can remember 5 off hand.

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
ZOMG!!!! It's a @!#$ty Cavalier on TV....whats the big deal??
An even NEW low on this site...
i saw a sunfire on cops once... it was the highlight of my week... but they found crack under the seat... way to give us a bad name douchbag....
SunfireGTZguy2120 wrote:i saw a sunfire on cops once... it was the highlight of my week... but they found crack under the seat... way to give us a bad name douchbag....
Was it the teal one? I just saw cops where they pulled over a teal sunfire...and found crack.
cavy on cartoons ftw lol
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
SunfireGTZguy2120 wrote:i saw a sunfire on cops once... it was the highlight of my week... but they found crack under the seat... way to give us a bad name douchbag....
you must have really pathetic weeks
themarin8r wrote:SunfireGTZguy2120 wrote:i saw a sunfire on cops once... it was the highlight of my week... but they found crack under the seat... way to give us a bad name douchbag....
you must have really pathetic weeks
My thoughts exactly, cause whenever they find drugs on COPS I immediately think of which car they're driving, and the online forum for said car.