Pacesetter header installed, thanks Rich ( Exterminator ) for the deal. I know the heat tape doesnt look to good but i didnt want to take any chances, i was thinking of getting the shrink tubing instead, but im sure my strut bar will cover it up alittle
Infinity 311A mono sub amps, i know one isnt hooked up, im not finished with the wiring and i will be making a cover to hide all the wiring, all you will be able to see it the top of the amps when im finished
Powder coated valve cover and saturn twin cam cover
Black headlights and corners for my up coming conversion
I still have the wings west advenger with with a voltex rear to go on, my trunk is in the process of being shaved. I know the car is dirty and so is the motor right now, im working on it so once im finished it will be cleaned, also when it gets repainted again the engine bay will be painted to match as will everything else. Any comments and questions welcome, im sure i missed something, thanks for looking
Looks awsome, i like the powder coated cam cover... I see that your doing a 2002 front end converson!!

2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
ya teh powder coat cover is very nice!!
looks good
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
powdercoat makes me jelous!
looks great i dont think the 02 swap will look good but i will wait for final product
Thanks for all the good comments. To think the valve cover, the plastic middle piece and the power coat only cost $98 for everything. I mostly finished up the wiring on the amps tonight, also used a digital 1.2 farat cadence cap i had laying around although with them both powered up without the cap my interior lights didnt dim at all, and the type R 12s sound really clear. All i need for my 02 conversion is a hood and im hoping i have one lined up. Im almost 100% sure no one will be disappointed when im finished. Thanks
dude wheres your bed frame>? lol the powder coated cover looks reallllly good. tape doesnt look all that bad either, just get that cover done and then post some more pics....good work on everything

R.I.P. Kasey N. Burleson
bruce hows everything going man? ? havnet talked to u in awhile.. Well my car should be painted by this weekend finally.. If u wantto meet up sometime we can i dont kno if u got my number still or w/e let me know
that cover is actually kind of rare. Ive been loking for one.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
is that a saturn IDI cover?

2009 Ford Mustang V6
The IDI cover looks sweet as hell.
The car should look sweet when its together also u keeping the color?
Thank you for all the good comments, means a lot i cant wait until all this is done then im finished with the cav for good but that most likely isnt going to be anytime soon.
Scott: Ive been pretty good man, pictures would be a good idea, although my car isnt exactly much to brag about right now it still looks decent, id be up for that. I need a visit from paintless dent removal it seems like everyday it get another dent , pm me your # so we can take some pictures some time.
Jcavi: guess i got a good deal then, i paid $23 for the valve cover and the plastic piece, found it at a local junk yard
Phewes: Its going to be the same color, i was thinking about a 2 tone, not totally sure which route im going go yet
Cover looks good, I have a Piece of flat Aluminum here I need pwder coated that exact same red, any chance you could give me an idea of what you think it would cost and Ill shp it to you and pay a little extra to have it done!
keep it one color... that red is the best! nice work, valve cover looks great. cant wait to see the conversion!
Check out my build thread!