finally got around to post up some pics of my harness bar. it was made by rdfabs. well on with the pics. hope you guys enjoy.
comments welcome
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
oooo very nice and shiney....looks great
Very Purdy... Shoulda seen Chris and Ryan test fitting the first stiffening bar in chris's sunfire a while back, I think i was laughing all night there... When we get my sedan into the shop after chris gets his turbo rebuilt and bugs worked out were going to see if these fit into sedans without too much modifications.
very nice setip and shiny
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
it looks like the rear seat is still partially useable
looks good

you can still put people back there but there heads will be right next to the bar. but other than that you can still put stuff back there if you need to.
SIG coming to an org near you!!!
Looks great Can't wait for mine to get here.