that sucks about the accident. glad you're getting it repaired and getting the coilovers though. looking good!
Desert Tuners

�When you come across a big kettle of crazy, it�s best not to stir it.�
furcup in da house!
i was holding the camera crooked lol sorry
because I didnt pay for it lol i will reglass the front once i get the new one and sell it... that and i dont have another front bumper to put on the car while im reglassing it
Where is the park? I see the bench, but no park?
Just kidding, lookin good.
I like to use it for grillin much easier I feel that it will last longer if used as a table and not a bench lol
holy crap. it's that cute girl from the South mountain reg forum.
At least there's some sort of progress eh?
looks really good (sans damage)... but you need to step back and take some shots of the whole car, not just a ton of close ups.
lol the car was dirty fodder

dont make me do it!!!! Ok ok ill take the entire car pictures today brat I still havent been on the bike you better step up fodder lol
we need to find the BIG MAGNETS installed behind our bumpers and remove them, same crap happened to me. Me car will be out of the shop Tuesday.
My Myspace Page
awwww you i hope it turns out well you have a really sexy car