good lookin ride man..nice work all around..and you even made more room for passengers on your rear bumper
awesome, man you are gonna catch some heat for the rear, I love it, I have the 03+ rear and just love the look of the bomex, keep it up man
*Drools on self* NICE!!!!!!!!!!!
digging the four door
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
not bad, im not a fan of that rear but wuteva
i dont like the tien thing on the back either and it does need duals
i do like the wheel and color combo
overall nice tho man good job
Thanks For The Comments And Leave My Getto Booty Alone
great lookin 4 door pa!!!!!!!!!
few things here and there i would do different, but the main thing that jumps out at me is how much your camera sucks lol
On the other have other fingers.

I just bought a 20 inch widescreen ultrasharp flat pannel..I'm going to have to subscribe to the high quality porn places now......damn
not bad man i love the rims.... and you konw honestly i think you have pulled off that rear with your car... it doesnt look right on most but yours for some reason it doesnt look bad... nice work man i love it..
Are your side skirts made for a 4 door or 2 door? Did you have to cut the peice that goes up onto the back door?
Sweet ride....

ECOTEC now with Maximum Bolt-Ons!!
YOu definately need duals, but otherwise that's one hot 4-door! Props man.
CaviGirl2003 wrote:Are your side skirts made for a 4 door or 2 door? Did you have to cut the peice that goes up onto the back door?
There For A 4 Door, Not Much To Choose From Though
Oh god, get rid of the kit and wire loom. Then it will look great.