just goofin around chek it cool effects
thats pretty PIMP love the car came out real nice
post up a real pic of it in clear again please
BroughtDownKustomz (Blue Ace) wrote:

I think it turned out great. even in the first pic it looks like someone is tempted to use the Bomex rear as what it was made for lol.
also we need more pics!! side angles all kinda of angles and lots of pics!
thats a pretty sweet effect but it looks even better without effects
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Where I can tell its an awesome amount of work and the talent of the artist is way beyond me I'd never want it on mine.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
even in the first pic it looks like someone is tempted to use the Bomex rear as what it was made for lol.

best quote ever
Jason, the car looks so much better now that it's in clear. Want to come to Florida and work on some stuff for us??
Rest In Peace, Saint.
Truth > God