it was a hot day, sunny as hell and good for a show at a local area............on with the photos!!!!!
the pics where taken off my phone, i just wanted to share them with you guys, so they are not the greatest.........
all the local J's that showed....and a cool cobalt ss too.....
pretty sick hand made car on 00' vette frame
the heart of the beast......
and at the close of the day.... us wit our rides....
thanks to josh, sean,j hound,tanya,jennifer and everyone else who came for making it such a blast!
and just to show the small progress on the cavi i own since the last time i posted pics of it.... here you go
comments welcome!
oh man..welcome to is up with your camera?? hahhaha digital man.
That hand made car looks kinda awesome.

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
Wow that black Z is seriously dumped if thats not on air that would be so killer!!!
What the heck is that kit/homemade jobber? Dang!

Silver Stripey makes your Day!
that black j is on air and we where play'n with it all day.........
that hand made car is going to barret jackson soon. it sits on a 00' vette frame and rims