Yup, finaly got everything taken care of. Wheels are on, suspension is on, short shifter is on, hids are in. Its all happening fast. Heres a few pics.
Before drop with 18s:

and now............no more 4x4!!!!
and i just thought id toss in a small dogleg
so, what do you all think? when i have a chance ill get night pics of my hids.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
may i ask how you did the dogleg? it doesnt even look like your on a hill or somehign
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
my yard has a small dropoff type of thing on the one side, its like a steep small hill. Just drove over that a little bit, lol.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
lol nice.
I have 17s and can't wait for my suspension to get here and my projetors from josh with HIDS..
looks good rob, glad i could help
car looks good
I need tint and wheels in the worst way
looks good
Real cars don't make power at the front wheels......
I like the drop. What did you do to it?
Sweet buddy, I like the look
You planning on getting a kit at all? If not, I suggest getting some stock sideskirts from a 98 sunfire (I'm not sure what other years those particular ones came on) to make it look a lot nicer.
Im planning for a factory ls sport kit. I like the side skirts that are straight, i dont like the curved ones. I think the factory kit will be more than low enough for around here. I gots to say, I now love having a silver lowered cavy lol.

Its been a wait i tell you what. But i think it was worth the wait. the whole 2 weeks wait that is.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
Yes, I too must admit, Silver lowered cavy's do look nice. But I guess I slightly have a biased opinion hehe....
What percentage is your tint.....in the first pic it appears you have the front and back tinted but the back a lot more so, and in the others pics it doesnt even look like you have any tints at all on the front but that back is still really dark......
car looks good though, LS lips would really finish it off good. keep up the good work!

I have one true love in my life...And my girlfriend sits next to me in it
what happened to the sedan? nice new car, but your old one I like ALOT for some odd reason.
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James- I got rid of the blue cavy last july. It had soem tranny problems that i didnt feel like paying for so i traded it in on a jeep. Just about a month ago i wrecked the jeep and bought this car. It sure is alot faster than my blue cavy though. But i do miss it ALOT!!
As for the question on the tint. In the back i have 2.5 percent. I also added a windshield strip same percentage. Once it warms up again im going to be doing the front windows in the same percentage as well. fuk da p.o.'s lol, i just like dark windows.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
Looks good.
What happened to your Axis NE-Os???
They were on my car when i traded it in, a girl i know bought my old car so im gonna see if she will do a trade+cash for my 19s back. I loved those wheels. If not then im ok with 18s. I just liked the fact that hardly anyone else had those wheels on a cavy.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
OMG are those MR7's?
Nevar seen those before
The Only thing Gayer than my cavalier is the purple shade of its nitrous bottle
Rob Blackburn wrote:They were on my car when i traded it in, a girl i know bought my old car so im gonna see if she will do a trade+cash for my 19s back. I loved those wheels. If not then im ok with 18s. I just liked the fact that hardly anyone else had those wheels on a cavy.
Hardly any car had those rims period. The NE-Os are by far my favourite rims even though I have the 19" Se7en Mods (which are rims that hardly anyone has also).
I would try to get those rims back. I believe they are discontinued now.
Nice car man!! Silver Cav's are the best!! lol Hey, PM me on how you did the HID's. I was just thinking about doing that to my Cav Yesterday...
thanks guys for all the great comments. I gotta say, with just wheels and a drop it made it look and feel like a whole nuther car alltogether. Its fun to drive finally! As for the hid conversion. Im still in the midst of getting that finished. My brakes went out and dealerships still gotta fix the car but ill have it back monday, so ill finish that up and get pics of the setup at night.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
what did you do to the headlights?
Adiktid wrote:Brandon G wrote:OMG are those MR7's?
I've Nevar seen those before

Thanks, its guys like that who make me wish i wasnt part of this community. Big deal, so alot of people have them. I like them on my car, besides, they might not be on long. Talkin to the girl who bought my blue one about getting my NE-O's back soon.
As for the headlights......removed reflectors, and hids.
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"