I want your HIDs...
Looking good buddy
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
lookin good as always man!!! i'll have to post some pics of mine... changed the look alittle!!
the car looks great, keep it up dude
dude whats with you and cats hahaha remeber the pic with the cat photoshoped in that every9one called BS on and you had a picture of you taking the picture of the cat in the picture of your car LOL
Nice, cute, furry pussy you have there
you named your cat Sparco? lol. car looks good man. keep it unkitted.

This one alright mods?
that last one wasnt half as bad as others I've seen on here...
^^ agreed no kit looks clean as hell man! keep it up
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
my fav 03+ sunfire looks very nice as always
Very hot looking Sunfire, the front begs for a lip though, I know GM was supposed to release one that looked hot.
i love it. I wish mine would look like that. I'm about 1/6th of the way there, lol.
Big-L (Luc)

'04 Sunfire SL
Ottawa's premier car and lifestyle event!
eh I'm not crazy about the red collar, I think black would carry the theme better.
o yea your sunfire is pimp'n
I think you should trade rims with me
They are sick,,,,,,,,, red calipers look fine but you shouldd try bronze to match your rims
you named your cat Sparco? lol.
Yes when I found him he went nuts in my harnesses.
Very hot looking Sunfire, the front begs for a lip though, I know GM was supposed to release one that looked hot.
If it would be affordible possibly, though probably not.
Thanks for the comments everyone. Keep um comin'.
Now all you need to do is put the cat in the hot car and let the girls come runnin......cars lookin great as usual
i really love that car
i think it's the bronze on white
The car looks HAWT! And my sis seen the pics and said she coming to steal it, so if in a month(itll take her that long to get outta New Brunswick) you have a stock 04 Sunfire, just gimme a shout, Ill bring yours back!

15.243 @ 92.7 MPH.....and now the winter comes......bye bye 15's!
Shane Curwin-Team Kosoku
guess that mean you survived the tornado
car looks good
need more mods to the cat though