not sure if i should have posted this in the transmission forum or not but here goes
these are pis from the five speed swap i did earlier this year
pulling the engine and trans
empty engine bay
the cavy powered by i
the engine out
manual trans bolted up
hole in the fire wall
pedals installed
center console in
shifter cables
engine and trans back in
after test drive
and for fun this was my first car it was a 95 base
and this is what happened after i sold it to a buddy of mine
hope you enjoyed
that actually looks alot easier than i would have expected. what was the hardest part of the project? my buddy always wanted to do this. i dont have that problem only manuals for me!
the hardest part was the pedal it was a pain b/c i didn't have the hole drilled quite right, so after about 20min of filling away at it, it finally went in so as long as you drill the hole in the right spot its not that difficult at all.............also i had my dads boss weld on the old mounts
and i suggest having a parts car right next to the project it will come in handy
thats badass i want to swap mine to a 5 speed. also how the hell did a van end up on top of that car
the van rear-ended someone and at the same my buddy was rear-ended and pushed under-neath of the van............pretty crazy stuff
the one that i did the five speed swap in.....the one that was crushed was my first car when i got my lisence........