This has become a good idea gone bad. We dont need the hole first page filled with Official Threads... Colors was ok I guess but vert doors.. Whats next? ...Official Filling Gas Tank Thread?
I think its pretty handy..
<Img src="">
Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
well yea, they should have the main colors, white, blue, silver, orange, black, red.....everythign else is dumb
My spidey senses are tingling... I sense a THREAD LOCK comming!
i was gonna start the official jbody with windshield thread.... i think it would be the biggest
Can we do an official intake thread or an official system thread? lol just messing!
2009 Ford Mustang V6
well you could call this the offical thread that will be locked...
so that would make me in before the lock!
Thank you and have a nice day!
I AGREE!! i knew it was only a matter of time before we have a "offical" site for anything thing and everything!!
before too long we'll have "the offical thread for 4 wheels" or offical spoiler-less trunk thread....
i think they gave us an inch, and some are taking a mile...
Grillrd wrote:97cavy22 wrote:well yea, they should have the main colors, white, blue, silver, orange, black, red.....everythign else is dumb
what about chameleon?
Wtf are you talking about, You posted in all of them anyways.