Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS - Photos & Media Forum

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Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:17 PM
OK so first off it was an event filled weekend for me, some good, most bad.
Thursday on my way home to install my Cylinders I stopped at a light then went to take off and my drivers CV axle exploded into a million pieces, Pushed the car into a parking lot and left her for dead.

Friday I Got up picked up the CV axle I had to order and installed it in the bank parking lot (EASY) and got her back moving.

Now I brought her home and started on my New front Cylinder setup I've been talking about for a while(got the cylinders) I ended Up going with EAI cylinders because they have an awesome 1" shaft and 7/8" Stud, 3.75" bore, safe as I can be.
Now I needed brackets so as always I made em myself.
The Upper brackets I wanted to make look nice SO I made them from 1/2" Lexan plate, simple just cut em out into triangle shapes Drilled the holes for the strut tower, then for the cylinder bolts and fittings.
Then I just bolted them on with urethane bushings to allow the cylinder to flex.

Next Is the bottom brackets, I have seen the POS that EAI makes(neon eclipse and J-body's) they all SUCK. SO I dug up my old OEM struts and Chopped off the Bottom of the struts(keeping the tube part in the bracket for support) Now I Cut a piece of 1.75" steel rod(hydraulic rod) to fit inside this tube. Next I drilled out the end of the rod and tapped it so I can screw the cylinder into the chunk of rod, now I just drop the rod into the mount and weld it up, Mont done!

You can see my new CV axle in this pic:

Now I bolted everything back together and Got them on the car, YAY. Test everything and the car lifts at 75 psi and s all the way up at 100 YAY, doesn't use much air!
Tires don't rub either yay!

So I drove around with it to local car stuff Friday night and all day Saturday.

Now the bad part Saturday evening I was leaving home going down my driveway at about 10mph and BAM the front end falls (burying the front bumper in gravel and breaking it all to hell, also ripped the bottom of the fenders lose and busted where the front was just molded to the fenders.
Ill let the pics do some talking:

IN the second pic Yopu cant see it but it also broke above the foglight/turn signal pretty bad.
SO Anyone that was expecting to see the car ready for paint at freakshow forget it, I have to chop the front end off(wide body part on the bumper) and all and buy a new bumper and graft it on.

Now as far as the falling part it turns out I have 2 different eai cylinders, they look and work exactly the same But 1 uses 2 U-cups and the other has 1 gay ass seal in it and apparently when I was going down the driveway i t managed to shift the piston just enough for air to bypass around the piston and out the lower cylinder port(releasing all the air and the car falling. SO that's what happened and I can fix it By making a new piston sometime, arg.

Anyway here's the interior progress pics I posted that I was working on before the CV broke and the cylinder failed.

I don't mind giving away the fact I was using the Bomex front bumper because I may be swapping to something way different, I love the bomex front but I neeeeed a urethane front bumper. sigh....

anyway's sorry for the long post!

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:25 PM

Man ...are you still going to the show ?? Something always happens to you're
ride...I mean literally!!

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:27 PM
yup, i made a list not to long ago that was almost 2 pages long in the wrecked fourm about sht that has happened, I have BAD luck.

yea Im still PLANING on going to the show, If I havent gotten the Bumper fixed/replaced by then im just gona drag it OFF in the dragging contest F-it ya know lol.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:27 PM
thats a huge thing to have happen be glad you wernt on the road, other then that it looks good

hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:31 PM
damn you damn you damn you the anticipation is killing me

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:34 PM
well you got a sneak peek! at the broken old bumper!!!
and the interior!
and the Front air!

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:39 PM
I've seen quite a few of your progress posts over the months, and in all honesty man, it appears to me that you are biting off more than you can chew at once. I mean I could be totally wrong, and if I am then disregard, but it really does seem to me that you would be better off focusing on finishing one project before moving on to the next. And I'm not trying to be a dick, but your interior looks very sloppy and disorderly, and improvised. I know that you've spent alot of time and work into your car, and you've got all the ingredients to make a nice show car, but I don't want to see you end up redoing it all later because you tried to do it all at once.

-- John

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:40 PM
your interior is truley horrid, i remember pics from a while back.


Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:44 PM
Im gonna have to agree with Winks from the other post................looks like a total hackjob to me. Lexan strut mounts? WTF The mounts are a key part of the suspension and keeping your car on the road. How can you go from metal and urethane mounts to basically plastic?

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:49 PM
Not to be Mr. Obvious here.. But keep that @!#$ off the road. Your not the only one out there cruising in your little hack job you keep messing around like that your gonna hurt someone. You would think you would learn to have it done by a pro when it keeps breaking.

I know i know thats a mean comment and the .org is supposed to be all warm and fuzzy and ur supposed to protect everyones feelings. But this thing is a death trap and shouldnt be on the public roadways. If hhe wants to kill himself thats cool. But he's not the only one on the road.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:50 PM
i fully agree with winks

yeah lexan mounts? wtf?


Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 7:54 PM
these guys are right.

Temporary of not, the paint on the dash is HORRIBLE, not sure what to think about the speaker mounted backwards in the door. The amber lights in the front are, well just not my style at all. Looks as if you started with making something completely custom, and then through some orange lights in the mix.

Lexan for your strut mount? It can crack, right?

Good luck with your car, but DAMN it looks like ALOT of work ahead for you.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 8:35 PM
lexan? are you @!#$ kidding me?

dude, i've used lexan before for various projects, i know the limit of it, and i have definitely cracked it. i cant believe you used that as a mount. if you want a pretty looking strut mount, buy a REAL ONE, take it apart, and paint it.


- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 8:43 PM
Lets see
Winks @!#$ you
Bortsy @!#$ you

NOw for everyone talking @!#$ about my lexan, I chose it over steel! Why because if you knew @!#$ about it then you would have know whats directly on, the MAKERS of my lexan.


One of the most distinctive attributes of LEXAN is its high impact strength. Few other engineering plastics can match its ability to stand up to hard knocks in very cold or very hot temperatures. Products made from LEXAN are usually shatter-resistant and virtually unbreakable . With the increased strength of LEXAN, many products can also be made with thinner walls to be lighter in weight.
The physical advantages of LEXAN begin with its strength and extend to its resistance to the elements of:
Heat (up to 212°F/100°C)
Cold (down to -40°F/-40°C)
Ultraviolet light
Flame (Underwriters Laboratories UL 94V-0 listed)

Also the Specs for my 1/2" Lexan:
Force resistance: 1200lbs per square inch (544.3Kilograms)
Tensele strenth: 5000lbs (2268 kilograms)

So if you talked @!#$ about my lexan mounts go do research next time, also they DO HAVE URITHANE BUSHINGS! I SAID THAT AT THE FIRST POST!

As far as the painted dash, Its perfect ask ANYONE whos seen it in person, THE only part that had problems was the rear walls in which it was made of a different plastic and I will be repainting them along with the backseat replacement.

John, No offence taken, when I took this project up I was making enough to cover the project at hand and pay for school, but when family complications came up I had to move and drop the job and the remainder of my school to continue. So yea I have alot on my hands now but I havent got to have it done, ever, so Why rush? I dont mind driving it and Its not endangering anyone else being ugly So shure Im going to work on it at my own pace. As far as the interior goes, as I mentioned in my other post the speakers in the doors arnt even hooked up, there just there to fill holes Untill I get my Blaupunkt 6.5"s The dash I am happy with(and anyone that knows thats whats Important) the lower center part of the dash I still have to mold a bigger tv in along with the switchpanel thats attached to it, I havent started on that because the small TV works and the switchpanel works NO RUSH. The Interior Is very Disorderly and torn half apart, I stll have the ENTIRE backseat to build, the lines still have to be re-run and hidden, the new tanks installed, new subs, and the nitrogen bottle, then of coaurse all of it painted and apolstered. IM also re-painting ALL of the Blue a different color.

So why EXACTLY is my car dangerous o be on the road? Because I nor any officers from florence sc to raligh NC that I have been driving around for the past year see a single problem with it.

Also the amber lights in the Bumper are the turn signals, the OEM TURN SIGNALS, trust me I want some clear ones from a GT but thats not exactly on the top of my list right now!

My car isint a hackjob, Its under construction and no one here is setting a date for it to be done, I AM.


TO the cock suckers that keep posting in my threads ONLY to talk @!#$ and look like @!#$ retards JUst go @!#$ yourself, Or @!#$ eachother for all i care.


Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 8:46 PM
Viper, you must have used plexi and THOUGHT it was lexan.

I have a piece of 1/2" lexan here and I will give anyone here $100 if they can come here and crack or shatter it.
use hammers even a jackhammer if you want, you WILL NOT break it

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:18 PM
Hey man, I to have seen that little LEXAN display at lowes and home depot.. throw a baseball at it and it wont break.

"So why EXACTLY is my car dangerous o be on the road? Because I nor any officers from florence sc to raligh NC that I have been driving around for the past year see a single problem with it."

Ummmm, refer to the top of this topic where your suspension had given out 2 times in the last week. Suspension isnt something to hack around with, I'm sure the cops havent given you grief b/c it isnt something actually visible. But it is in no way safe OR road ready. If you kill yourself thats fine if thats what u wish.. But what if you kill someone else???

I'm sorry but the itnerior, yea its a hack job, but I could give 2 @!#$s less b/c it will no way EVER affect me or anyone else out there.. That suspension is just dumb, your endangering everyone else on the road with that peice now. And I drive these roads along with everyone else so yes. I have every right to say your a dumbass on that suspension.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:20 PM

My car isint a hackjob, Its under construction

No, my car is underconstruction, your car I dont know. You need to set some shorterm goals before starting another 18,000 things. You ahve so much garbage in the interior. Focus on cleaning up soemthing before throwing more crap in there.

In your other post you mentioned something about your being a Blaupunkt showcar. Maybe they lowered their standards but @!#$ I could barely get a response out of Polk and I had all my interior glasswork done at the time I emailed them. Ive seen the Blaupunkt showcars, I know a couple of the guys and youve got a ways to go.

You can play the underconstruction card as long as you want but I of all people should know, since my cars been in primer for 3 years.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:23 PM
Well dang, if lexans so strong maybe we chould start building step notches out of them, save a alot of money with steel prices skyrocketing.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 9:39 PM
looks like the end result will turnout nice.

i must agree you took on alot of projects at one time instead of one part of your several projects for the car and doing them in phases. but its your project and i hope the best for it.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:01 PM
Lexan displays at Lowe's?!?! You do realize that is NOT a high grade Lexan AND its ASLO no MORE than what 1/8" thick? that has no relativity to what i used.

Winks again not knowing what the @!#$ your talking about! you say my suspension gave out twice?

I'm sorry but If your CV axle suspends your car you shouldn't be on the road!

My cylinder did in fact give out, not because of ANYTHING I did, they sent me a gay Piston which has NOTHING to do with my install, the ONLY part of my install that I have EVER had a problem with was the ground for my valves got lose one night because a screw backed out, re-grounded it on the seatbelt bolt and haven't had a problem since.

Learn your place winks because OBVIOUSLY its NOT in my posts.

ZFLIP4, I never realized you were such a dickhead, your not even doing the work on your car anymore, I GUARANTE If you were doing the work then It wouldn't be nearly where it is now. I Understand you work alot and cant do the car yourself But don't try and use your abundant amount of money as an excuse. Becides look at how many things you have going on!
Right now the ONLY things im working on is the backseat replacement and the bodywork on the front end. And a lot of people seem to forget the fact this car is ALSO MY DAILY DRIVER.

I know there's more to be done but IM not messing with it now, Im doing this car with my money and my time, I only have 2 other people helping me with it, my friend Curt who is doing the finishing touches on my bodywork(I dont quite have that feel for it) and My friend Clint who helps out with a lot of the machine work.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:16 PM
Keep up the good work bro. Only thing I dont like is the dash, looks a little cluttered, but you said you liked it and thats cool. I love how everyone is hating on the lexan mounts when Metal will crack or tear before lexan ever will. Most SPL cars that are competing use 1/4" lexan for their windows and their doors that are welded shut break apart before the lexan windows do. Thats 1/4"

Anyways, dont let these f*ck heads break ur dreams.

-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 10:38 PM
I'm sorry, I read the post as your front bumper was effed up b/c of your suspension and all this. I must have taken that the totally wrong way. Just because someone has something done by a pro doesnt mean they cant do it.. Maybe they arent comfortable with doing it and I mean atleast the professional car WILL be done, as yours will never be. You think your freakin jesse james or something. You cant do it all and do it all right. If the LEXAN mounts was the only shotty peice on your suspension then it might not be bad. I am talking there is more hazzards on that thing from the few pics than I can name.
I'm not sorry about anything i said. That is a peice, I'm not worried about the interior or anything.. Thats your problem. The body, thats your problem aswell. But that suspension has the makings for a fatal accident IMO. And loss of an innocent human life b/c of one dumb ass isnt acceptable to me. But maybe that's b/c I had innocent cousin killed by a drunk driver. That @!#$s lame, there is nothing to post about and anyone that is saying dont let anyone break ur dreams just want to make u feel all warm and fuzzy, so everyone on the .org will look up to their screen name as. "Ohh thats a good guy" I'm a good guy to but you dont realize there are other lives out there going about their daily routine when your rollin ur hack job down the interstate or highway.

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 11:05 PM

SO winks IM'd me:

PhAtCaVonBaGs: so why is it..
PhAtCaVonBaGs: they dont make truck frames out of this @!#$
XXTazChazzXx: because of the cost
PhAtCaVonBaGs: OHH
XXTazChazzXx: but if you really wanted to i guess you could
PhAtCaVonBaGs: b/c steel isnt pricey or anything
XXTazChazzXx: not in compareson
PhAtCaVonBaGs: anyways
PhAtCaVonBaGs: u said u paid 90 each for those valves
PhAtCaVonBaGs: for AIM valves?
XXTazChazzXx: 70
XXTazChazzXx: 90 for the 1/2"
PhAtCaVonBaGs: u got ripped off you can get valves from jason for 39 or less
XXTazChazzXx: no
XXTazChazzXx: noob those are 2 way i have 3 way
PhAtCaVonBaGs: so why are you running air line that is basicly a water line from the home depot?
XXTazChazzXx: because its air line
XXTazChazzXx: Not water line
XXTazChazzXx: and not from home depot
XXTazChazzXx: you done making a fool out of yourself?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ha sure thing
PhAtCaVonBaGs: i believe im not the fool but hey im rolling on a professional suspension
XXTazChazzXx: its professional because you wernt smart enough to do it yourself and paid for it?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: your a dumb ass..
XXTazChazzXx: nice comeback
XXTazChazzXx: wow
XXTazChazzXx: im so impressed
XXTazChazzXx: ...
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can do something my self but its not like I do @!#$ every day. The only people that think like that are people that think they can do it all theirselfs
PhAtCaVonBaGs: and those are the guys that are rollin like you
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I could do it.. I could weld all day long
XXTazChazzXx: Llol, if you even read my post i said I have 2 other guys helping me ass
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I dont care
XXTazChazzXx: I can do it, and I do what I can because I can.
XXTazChazzXx: you dont care?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: awsome.. u cant do it all tho
XXTazChazzXx: man you have the same comebacks as my 14 year old sister
XXTazChazzXx: i know I cant do it all thats WHY I SAID I HAVE 2 OTHER PEOPLE HELPING ME
PhAtCaVonBaGs: DAMN!!! see bro even ur sisters laughing at you
XXTazChazzXx: yup shes laughing at me
PhAtCaVonBaGs: how old are these other 2 guys??
PhAtCaVonBaGs: 16?
XXTazChazzXx: why your gay?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: theyve done the @!#$ before?
XXTazChazzXx: Well im 19, Clints 22 and curts 20 but Im shure they dont swing that way
XXTazChazzXx: Clint has worked in a hydraulic shop for over 6 years
XXTazChazzXx: and curt Has been doing bodywork for as long as I have known him
PhAtCaVonBaGs: in a shop
PhAtCaVonBaGs: or time to time in the back yard?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: anyways i could care less about that.
XXTazChazzXx: in the shop in his back yard and at college where he just finished

PhAtCaVonBaGs: the one part you cant slack on is the suspension
XXTazChazzXx: and I dont
PhAtCaVonBaGs: WHY
XXTazChazzXx: thats why I have $360 worth of cylinders in the front
PhAtCaVonBaGs: why you mess around with all this stuff when you could have gotten an easystreet kit
XXTazChazzXx: and WELDED lower mounts and LEXAN top mounts
XXTazChazzXx: I dont want what everyone has
XXTazChazzXx: theres a reason Im the lowest sunfire to my knoledge on the .org still rolling OEM outer diameter tires
PhAtCaVonBaGs: exactly you could have bought ES struts for that and removed the inner bump stop and been rollin safely
XXTazChazzXx: I am rolling safely
XXTazChazzXx: and ES Struts BLOW when you remove the bump stops idiot
PhAtCaVonBaGs: how come ur front went out and ur bumpers busted up?
XXTazChazzXx: Yea I can do it, but then it breaks!
XXTazChazzXx: Because EAI sent me a faulty Cylinder
PhAtCaVonBaGs: they dont blow??
XXTazChazzXx: the struts do
XXTazChazzXx: want proof?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: EAI? the cylinder looks all scratched up like its something off ebay
XXTazChazzXx: ask anyone who removed the bumpstops and drove on them for a long time
XXTazChazzXx: because I tore it down to find out whats wrong with it
PhAtCaVonBaGs: anyways.. you can laythe kit out with the bumpstops
XXTazChazzXx: you dont know @!#$, face it and stop arguing
PhAtCaVonBaGs: theres a reason ur the lowest on the .org.. no one else is dumb enough
PhAtCaVonBaGs: yea i dont know @!#$ but im not the one with the hacked up ride
XXTazChazzXx: Im not lowest on the org
XXTazChazzXx: Im the lowest SUNFIRE
XXTazChazzXx: the lowest is the easystreet cav
XXTazChazzXx: which is bodydropped and not daily driveable
XXTazChazzXx: hacked up meaning EXACTY what?
XXTazChazzXx: that ive used a hacksaw?
XXTazChazzXx: hell yes i have
PhAtCaVonBaGs: meaning primer everywhere interior ripped out suspension crappy etc
XXTazChazzXx: my interior is in my car?
XXTazChazzXx: my suspention, to my knoledge is alot better than yours
PhAtCaVonBaGs: has like zero chance of ever being in one piece again
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ha ha ha OHHH SNAP
PhAtCaVonBaGs: EAI's making better stuff than belltech
XXTazChazzXx: yes theres primer everywhere
XXTazChazzXx: because I did stuff everywhere
XXTazChazzXx: unlike your pos
XXTazChazzXx: thats Opinion
XXTazChazzXx: and its mine
XXTazChazzXx: deal with it
PhAtCaVonBaGs: i dont own a stock car buddy
XXTazChazzXx: closer to stock than mine
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ha ha ha ha ha ha
PhAtCaVonBaGs: well if u wanna talk about my cav
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I guess it was LOL
PhAtCaVonBaGs: considering it was one piece and every mod performed was completed and it was back into one piece
PhAtCaVonBaGs: yes, yes it did resemble a car with all the pieces
XXTazChazzXx: ok, so you jipped alot of people out of money
XXTazChazzXx: and IM not the only person that knows it
PhAtCaVonBaGs: my truck is not stock
PhAtCaVonBaGs: who'd i jip?
XXTazChazzXx: then you used that money to pay someone else to mod your car
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ha i never paid anyone to mod my car..
XXTazChazzXx: shure
XXTazChazzXx: you painted it, and did EVERYTHING YOURSELF?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: really..
PhAtCaVonBaGs: yes sir
XXTazChazzXx: *************
XXTazChazzXx: *********************
XXTazChazzXx: you @!#$ him over on a kit
PhAtCaVonBaGs: 2 years autobody 3 years at burdens body shop
PhAtCaVonBaGs: WHAT THE @!#$ that guy stole my @!#$in kit
XXTazChazzXx: yea
XXTazChazzXx: thats beliveable
XXTazChazzXx: he ran up unbolted and ran off with your kit
XXTazChazzXx: shuuure
PhAtCaVonBaGs: there wasnt no me @!#$in him over he picked up the kit for 500 and gave me 200 and said 300 would be in the mail monday which i never heard from him again
PhAtCaVonBaGs: so i dont see how i @!#$ him over?
XXTazChazzXx: well thats not the story he have me
XXTazChazzXx: and i trust him a HELL of alot more than you
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ohh OK well he told you wrong. and you knew at the time the beef with me and him b/c he never paid me
XXTazChazzXx: Ill lsiten to him before you
XXTazChazzXx: OK guess your done now, goodbye idiot

wow hes so smart

Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 11:17 PM
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ohh ok
PhAtCaVonBaGs: im not mad i still got some aggression to get out here
PhAtCaVonBaGs: mad = done... my bad
PhAtCaVonBaGs: so i guess ur done
PhAtCaVonBaGs: you'll realize one day
PhAtCaVonBaGs: you probably what?? 16-18?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: ur still young and dum and dont want to listen to anyone
PhAtCaVonBaGs: but you'll wonder why the people with the advice got nice cars and you got a clunker
XXTazChazzXx: lmao
XXTazChazzXx: I told you not 5 minutes ago i was 19
XXTazChazzXx: and you still dont read @!#$
XXTazChazzXx: god damn arogant @!#$ like you should eat more @!#$ than you talk
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I see that now
XXTazChazzXx: what exactly is going to break on my car?
XXTazChazzXx: what EXACTLY is a HACK JOB on my car
XXTazChazzXx: you have yet to do ANYTHING but LABEL my car
PhAtCaVonBaGs: i gave you VERY constructive critisim on that other post
PhAtCaVonBaGs: everything started and not one completed
XXTazChazzXx: and you say im DUMB and CANT even SPELL it yourself! ITS D-U-M-B you D-U-M-B SON OF A BITCH
PhAtCaVonBaGs: you dont buy parts
PhAtCaVonBaGs: you have a can do attitude like you can make anything yourself from scratch
XXTazChazzXx: completed? My rear 1/4 panels, my trunk install, my dash, my engine and tranny swap
XXTazChazzXx: My air install DONE , unless you count new hoses for the backseat install
PhAtCaVonBaGs: DONE ((((echo, echo, echo))))
XXTazChazzXx: I will make anything I can because I can
XXTazChazzXx: did i make the cylinders NO
XXTazChazzXx: did I make the subs NO
XXTazChazzXx: did i make the valves NO
XXTazChazzXx: did i make the hinges NO
XXTazChazzXx: did I make the CD player NO
XXTazChazzXx: did I make the ENGINE NO
XXTazChazzXx: @!#$ idiot
XXTazChazzXx: people as stupid as you should be @!#$ SHOT
PhAtCaVonBaGs: no. people as dumb as you should be shot
XXTazChazzXx: how am I dumb
XXTazChazzXx: because I know enough to make parts youve paid for?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: well ive told you 40 times
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can make any damn thing
XXTazChazzXx: I made things you couldent and YOU just paid someone else to make them
XXTazChazzXx: then why dont you?
XXTazChazzXx: ...
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can make fiberglass parts, mold fiberglass, I cna prototype I can weld, I cant do CNC work and I cant do interior work, I cant sew, and I've never been to a wiring school, I can wire but such a vital part of the car I would rather have it done by a pro
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can accept that I cant do everything
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can do a body drop
PhAtCaVonBaGs: I can do tubing work
XXTazChazzXx: I cant sow, I cant Machine some things, I cant do finishing BODYWORK, thats Why clint and Curt Help, thats why my seats are STOCK
XXTazChazzXx: how many times do I have to shove your BS back in your face?
PhAtCaVonBaGs: i speak no bs
PhAtCaVonBaGs: i dont care about ur car i just think u need to think twice about that suspension
PhAtCaVonBaGs: what does your father think about your suspension?
XXTazChazzXx: you keep saying I do everything myself and wont let everone help me when i have told you curt and clint help me and I only do som many things myself because I CAN
XXTazChazzXx: My father, I dont know I dont drive out to his house to ask him
XXTazChazzXx: I JUST put it on saterday
XXTazChazzXx: Winks Ill post this on the Thread, if my Lexan Mounts EVER and I mean EVER BREAK you can Have every aftermarket part I own
XXTazChazzXx: dip@!#$


Re: Bad week for Spyderwizard, Update! PICS
Sunday, October 02, 2005 11:19 PM
PhAtCaVonBaGs: DAMN!!! see bro even ur sisters laughing at you

This is my favorite line.. CLASSIC!!!!

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