pure tits man.. how is the ride? i am still debating on bags..
looks great...a few more weeks...a few more weeks
Nice shoes

....Very hott a$$ ride...I love it all.....Great job!
sweet, its my car kitted and on bags and shaved. nice.
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
thanks guys. the ride is actually pretty good. as for the wheels i sold my 18s and will be getting 19s pretty soon. i hope. paint will be coming hopefully in the next few months. any more questions and comments are welcome.
and codered the black car is nickesix's car. and here was one of my many inspirations
WHat have you done up front in the fenders? Cut anything out yet?
I am all that is man
Actually i hardly drive it at all. these pics was taken below my house at a car wash. even though ive not waseh my car in months. but its my only car and if i have to i do.
And no ive not rolled my fenders or nothing yet just took out the plastic inner fender stuff. they will getting rolled before my wheels get here.
Nice, can't wait to shave mine, got the bags already. installing them this winter.
looks good man, damn this makes want to save for bags again, but i want my boosted truck first!!!! hawtness and teasingness for me
lookin sweet nice job!!!!!!
nice work thats gonna look awsome when finished.
ied personally throw some flat black on the entire car and keep the steelies. it looks so hot tucking them. actually, paint the steelies red and get some moon style hubcaps.. no joke..
im sure its gonna be super sexy when done.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Looks good! I'm getting the easystreet setup this winter and installing it before the spring... where did you get it?
I got it from redrum customs. there is a gp from aplus right now for a good price. either way it is a really good kit so far. big props to Jim, Brian, and Corey at eaststreet. they have the best customer service ever. they will answer any question or help you with anything.
these are the wheels i will be getting. 19 inch chrome Falken torque 5's. so the steelies are coming off. along with a blue metallic pearl paint job.
Nice Bags. Can't wait to see it painted.
Should be a looker!
"Your Premier Source For Automotive Neon & Accessories!"
falkne totgue 5's are a perfect match for your car !!! looks awsome man
oh the impulse to get bags is increasing everyday