idk, but the bumper and hood look hot, evil eyes would rock with that
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
Gotta be custom, because the hood matches.
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Are you kidding me????? If you have to ask what bumper it is you must be blind....
Shadoo Designs
no clue how you missed that.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
Well I know that where do u think I found the pics from
I was just asking what is it called cuz I have never seen it before
and from the pics it looks like it’s from over seas like Japan or something cuz of the writing on the buildings
Cripes, look at the turn signals too!! Those look like the APC fender lights lol. The blinkers on my bike are bigger than that!
It's def Fugly w/ that plate on it and the Ferrari emblem. Needs evil eyelids and a drop too. Maybe change all that white (rims, interior) to black, then it'll look decent. IMO it would look a lot better w/o the "appendage"
on the hood and top of the bumper and the peaks going from the end of the appendage to the headlights.
I like how in the second picture they misspelled 'design'....
Josh wrote:I like how in the second picture they misspelled 'design'....
Hah just noticed that.. That's amazing.
I think its actually a pretty nice looking bumper. I don't like the side markers that look glued on there but the actual bumper is really nice.
The hood looks wicked with it too. I don't see why everyone hates it but to each their own.
Good find
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"Louis, you better watch who you call a child. Because if I'm a child,
that makes you a pedafile, and I'm not gonna stand here and argue
with a pervert" -- Peter Griffin
ya is the bumper did not have the humps in the middle of it, it would look like a nice bumper
and i want to see what the rear looks like
without the nose on the hood and bumper it might look ok. and i agree with ^^^ it does look like a modded bomex front. odd....
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it looks good, but not a heavily moddified bomex... too much modofied
ummm...i have to see it in person to really make a correct judgmen on it.
"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"