nice looking car, I usually dont like bold interiors like that- but it definitely works with your car. Great job.
Looks good mang, now drop that biotch! Oh yah and my cars is for sale, know anyone who wants a Cavalier
I know drop will come in due time. I can't believe you are selling the car chad, last time i knew you were planning an engine swap. What car are you moving on to?
wow i really like that. it looks so clean and all flows well. good work
lookin good it all goes great together
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looks good. but get bigger pictures, i couldnt see a damn thing in those tiny pics...
Thanks for the comments guys. The interior will be finished by the end of the summer. It will be white/blue just like the doorpanels are.
nice car man but next time resize the pics i mean damn..... holy huge ass pics batman..