wow those are beautiful pics man...very nice very nice keep it up
Nice pics!
And I'm sure you've heard 100times over about that wing so I wont say anything...
You take great pics. Keep it up! Car is coming along nicely. Not a fan of the spoiler but everything else is looking good.
- Darren
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Official member of <a target="_blank" href="" style="text-decoration: none">OntarioCAVS.COM
night time is the right time
can i haz bondo
Wing is hideous... the rest looks nice and clean
keep it up ...
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Official member - & J-Body Club of Ontario
Thanks guys, Different strokes for different folks, I like the wing :\, but thanks for the positive comments.
I feel a tear coming to my at the beauty you have bestowed upon us all!
Thats an awesome spot for pics, nice job! The first one is my new desktop thanks.
^^^I want to do almost that exact pic with my car, here in Denver...
I agree, that car is beautiful, but the wing is ridiculous.
that looks like a promo shot for gran turismo shot right there...nice lookin'
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You my friend are the king of the NIGHT SHOT
(Insert really cool picture of my car with some catchy name or slogan here)
lmao thank you very much guys! good to some positivity not just wing bashing!
wow, you have some awesome places to take night pictures. keep it up.
pics look amazing no joke and i think that wing would look better if the car was kitted.