Well your interior looks real nice, but the exterior is kind of another story. Clean it up a bit and I think it'd look alot better. Good start man.
yeah i agree i love the inside but the outside needs some work, get a body kit or something but yeah a good start!
How did you do your interior fiberglass or just smothed everything out and painted it? Very nice interior and agreed with I Hot Z and J-body chick
Everything on the outside should go! the inside is fine.
Good luck.
The interior looks good but incomplete. The exterior... The foglights stand out too much IMO and the stick on hood scoop is just horrible. It's very obvious that it's a fake hoodscoop. The wiperblades stick out too much, so does the graphic. It just seems that everything is way too much contrast. Red and white are just too contrasting of colors for use on a car. The interior seems to almost clash in spots too because of the color combination.
Sure it stands out, but are you getting the attention you really want?
Interior is decent.
Exterior: Everything you DID do, UNdo.
well... the interior is nice but you need to paint everything that is black either red or white or whatever. its too hard to pull off three colors on an interior. other than that its great. exterior wise, lose all vinyl graphics and shave the sunfire emblems on the side, drop it and get some rims. oh, and glass the scoop into the hood. youre off to a good start tho and have some good ideas. just some of the basic things are kinda ruining it a little bit.
Check out my build thread!
^ word!
"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
love the interior but need to glass the scoop like elite said oh and im not really likind the graghics but its your car do what u want...
very clean at least, drop it on a kit and some rims
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/pkdTiDb-kdPf_HDyfmy7GOrOdkeUy2ptYquaYUHMJPs?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_vycyMdOjDVs/TQqUHgW0ImI/AAAAAAAAABo/iS19dM4snS4/s800/firesig.jpg" height="169" width="310" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/116733817284633862727/DropBox?authkey=Gv1sRgCMS-wbij1e6GuQE&feat=embedwebsite">Drop Box</a></td></tr></table>
outside looks like it should have r racing stickers
interior looks awsome... red racing seats would be awsome!