oh my aluminum
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i think it`s not big enough go bigger
can i haz bondo
stick on hood scoops... huge wing... EEWWWW
i think it is a good start if that is what you like then that is awsome but i would mold the scoop in or get the real hood tand i don't see anything wrong with the wing except that it is too high other than that i think it is a nice looking car
Fast isn't always good, looks and sound is sometimes better
This is your captin speaking .. We will be lifting off shorty hahaha wow that thing is wayyy tooo small get something bigger geez
Team Altered Car Club
Love the wing. Is that the +10 or +15 HP model?
do your friends think you're cool?
between not being able to spell the word "some" and your lack of taste, I'd be suprised if you had graduated 9th grade
forget air ride....you need landing gear
oh so thats what happens when we recycle our pop cans
looks good otherwise
cherub,don't like how I spell? don't read the posts..not my problem...and if you are as smart
as u think you are you might wanna read my profile..I don't own the cavy...the sunfire is mine...it's nothing special...it's a work in progress. I'm sure yours wasn't always great looking.
I don't know but I would be damn if I seen my girlfriend put her shoes on my car. looks ok. if you like the huge wing and stick on hood scoops.
**changes are here**
i don't think the wing looks that bad. if it's what you like, cool. I don't think I'd have one, but to each his own. Car is not hideous though--but definitely lose the hood scoops and you'll be on your way
not a fan of wings, but it's really not that bad. at least it's at a decent height insted of above the roof line like some. it did look like it was installed crappy from the dent it created on the right side. and fix the waves on the rear. it looks good though. even the graphics and i hate graphics
J-body.org Join date: Monday, January 21, 2002

AIM & Y!: COGcaviZ24
jesus christ I know the org is full of pissedoff people but damn yes he has a big wing jesus most of the people on the internet have eyes and can make up a sutpid coment and whats the deal with making fun of how the kid spells thats just mean. it doesnt even relate to the car its just an attack on him

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
Chris: You're sunfire looks just fine. You're right, we all start somewhere. But seriously, take some pride in your spelling; others respect those who respect themselves.
Ryan: She can put her shoes on my sunny any day.
Jcavi: I don't think Jesus appreciates you using his name like that.
mabye your right ill ask him next time I see him.

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.