well for those of you that dont know i had some camera issues and it only really worked on the way back, but thanx to some people they were nice enuff to take pics for me...so on with em
got some vids too, anyone in the caravan that wants em hit me up on aol
Major was there? I thought he lived is Saudi Arabia?
Looks like fun!
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Visit The Spork
he was back home for a few weeks to get some stuff..he leaves to go back this week
you sure take some great pics... lol. i had a ton of fun hanging out with you. <3
that's me with my cell phone in the plate at bob evans!!!! lol and yay!!! someone got some pics of my car! i should've taken some of my own car. i figured no one would. maybe if i kit it and finish the interior people will like it more. oh well. next summer. nice pics tony.
nice pics hun....i really like the ones on cannons car. toss those up in hotbodies
and whys the pic with me so small?? embarrassed?
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pics are nice... dig the booty too
7 months without a date and counting
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god that ride home sucked ass
I jumped the grass and got out of that traffic haha =P
its funi cause after you did that we stil caught up with yall!!
well i didnt and adam brought up the rear real late!
thnx for all the comments guys...no ben im not embarrased at all dont know why they came up that way, but you know i love you and yeah some pics from what i have hear have already been added to hotbodies...and on some other news i think i bought myself a motorcycle tonight hehehehehe
there ya go... i fixed the 2 small pics.
and yes, i did enter those pics into the hotbodies contest.
you didn't post the overhead pic of my car though.
tony wheres my pic? lol
nice pics yella ... woulda been nice to hang out with ya a little more over the weekend but its was kinda hard to hang out with every one
maybe next year
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple