I havent posted pics of the car for a long time. I have had alot done to it. Got new wheels and tires, lambo doors, tv, working on the interior, and alot of other stuff. I know everyone is going to say that I need to lower it but in deed I am my eibach pro kit should be here anytime next week. So that means next weekend I will be putting them on. And now for the pics. Comments are welcomed good or bad.
<img src="http://www.jbok.org/memberpics/13/j01.JPG">
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Oh yeah the trunk setup and rear deck where the rear seat use to be will be getting worked on in the next week or two.
GET DIFFERENT MESH. and recover the dash as well.
looks good from what i can tell but some of the angles arent very good... cant tell if i like the spoiler or not. whens it goin in for paint? and it should look way better when you get that pro kit on!
Check out my build thread!
definately not feelin the grill
The mesh was a test to see if i liked it but i really dont so it will get changed soon. The paint should be coming soon but I dont wont to rush anything b/c i dont wont to regret anything in the long run. here are some better angles of the spoiler
<img src ="http://jbok.org/memberpics/13/06.JPG">
<img src="http://jbok.org/memberpics/13/14.JPG">
What happened with the gauges in the dash above the glove box? I have been thinking about doing that, how did you get the correct size hole? Looks like it might have been a pain to do.
I took the right size hole saw and cut them out using a drill wasnt hard at all.
new mesh and paint, and ur set
I HATE that mesh.. lol, BUT you've already said you're going to change it.
Really~ that's the only complaint I have. I really like the new rims.
What color are you painting it? Black? Mine is also going in for paint soon. Maybe mine will be finished and I will get to see you at the next JBOK meet<-- maybe yours will be finished then too. =)
I hope I can make the next one. I would like to see everyone's cars in person.
Could be me but everything looks done half ass... Body work .. that grill .. the pyle monitor the legacy amp the engine bay ... everything I like the tails though
Team Altered Car Club
Like I said in the beginning the amp is going to get moved b/c I am building an amp rack where the back seat use to be, the door panels are getting worked on, the body work is not going to get done by me but the body shop i just did that for temporary, and the engine bay will be worked on soon when I finish everything else up. The car will be painted red not sure what type of red but will be red.
now all you need is a sandwhich and you can have a picnic on your back bumper
OH yeah for it looking like it is half fast it was. I had a kid that came into my life and trying to work on a car I rushed things. Now I am regreting it. Like I said in the first post I'm not rushing paint because I am going back and redoing things I should had done right in the first place and I still had a mind set of a teenager in my head toward cars and that has changed a lot. And THe Other Matt yeah I love having pinics on that bumper
5 gauges?
ok, your clearly not boosting, so why in the hell do you have that many? a/f , temp , rpm Seriously though, just a bit overkill on the race look.
it's a pretty decent start though, just get some paint on her.
Im noy feelin the rear bumper.. It sticks out so far.
Good start, should of gotten BIGGER RIMS!
keep up the good work!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
adjust your headlights, i like the taillights

check out my cardomain

dude the rims look sweet on the car...... i cant wait to see it painted.... are you doing the same paint you use to have on it ? i hope so i really like that.... but man keep up the good work.....
Thanks for the comments. Yeah fuve gauges but I like the look of them. Mesh will be changed soon like i said as soon as i find some thicker mesh. Importfightercavalier I thought about doing my car like that again it just depends on how much it is going to cost again b/c this time it will get done the right way. And for the people who dont know what it use to look like here you go.
<img src="http://memimage.cardomain.net/member_images/5/web/329000-329999/329141_56_full.jpg">
Here is the pic everyone wonts to see no more mesh.
<img src="http://www.jbok.org/memberpics/13/cav06.JPG">
looking good. cant wait to see it painted
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/tabasco/JBO%20ad%20banner%20brown2.JPG">
FOR SALE email tabasco_ant@hotmail.com
Thanks for the comments. I have a trunk right now in the progress of getting completely shved meaning inners and key hole. I should get it back this week. Plus my springs and rotors will be here this week. Cant wait to get it painted.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mishkafan/personal_pic.jpg">