not a fan on the giant spoiler and the bomex rear... nice car tho, just needs paint
not bad. i like it. are you gonna stick with yellow or are you gonna have it painted another color?
i was thinking just leave it yellow for a while then painted either black or the green from the eclipse on the fast and furious
The only easy day was yesterday
where did you get that predator hood? and how much?
i think i know where that hood came from
<img src="">
i guess i do too!
stick with the yellow.... of course i am kind of partial to it
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looks pretty good but i would of went with the drift rear.
I like the hood but that is all, sorry.
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
me want hood
How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
i dont really like the spoiler... it doesnt flow very well IMO but the rest of the car looks nice... just shave the badges and paint it
Check out my build thread!
I'm with the others get a different rear and wing, besides that great color and sweet hood. AQnd of course I love the drift
eh i just dont like the wing and front bumper. ive always hated that front. i think it looks dumb when people ride around w/ unpainted parts on their car. test fit it, take it off, then save for paint and then put it back on
^ agree....but I have a blitz and I have not complaints....gluck with the rest
"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
Looks great man, I love everything about it... now just get some paint.
looks goods but why did you mount a huge tach on your dash when you already had a tach?
I'm not feeling the giant tach or the spoiler. The rest looks good.
well sorry i been gone but yeah thanks to yellowcava for the hood. the tach is gone i havnt had it for a while now and thanks to all for your commets.
The only easy day was yesterday
yellocavy wrote:i think i know where that hood came from![](/global/images/emoticons/ad.gif)
Possibly the same place my BC2 rear came from...
It went through a middle man.
I like it but, I'd : lose the wing and go with a small drag wing, go back to stock tails, and lower it if your comfortable riding like that.
holy huge tach batman
holy ugly wing batman
holy park bench batman
other than that......... well no, i dont like it
maybe paint would change my mind a bit
looks good man Keep up the good work Definatly like the spoiler and good choice on the kit dont listen to all the Haters they just dont have the same taste as some of us.
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