I just finished updating teamdropzone.net and uploaded some pics for everyone to view in the Photo's section. Feel free to check em out.
Adam, ever think about starting a chapter in another state, im about to bag my cav, and i have 2 friends on bags(s10 and eclipse) and im sure i can find other cars to start up a team dropzone here in orlando/florida...if u are interrested email me at dropthatcav@yahoo.com
Most of the cars look good. I dont know about all of those yellow graphics on that green cavi, and the huge wing on the back of you car. I love that bagged s dime tho.
D Style Cavy we have talked about starting a chapter out their before yes. It would be possible since we would to meet up at some central shows and whatnot throughout the season. Send me an email and we can talk more about it. Team DROPZONE has members in New York and New England already so expanding west wouldn't be a problem. Drop me a line bro. Thanks for the kind words, the guys would appreciate it since everyone in Team DROPZONE, puts their heart into their ride.
Adam, its alex from maryland, ever since I met you at the car show in New Hampshire I always loved your ride. Yours and the red one that was there. I believe it was battle of the imports. Anyways, I just wanted to say hi and keep up the good work. I was the guy with the yellow cavalier type j kit and I was with my friend with the black tiburon and we were with our wives. Nice car!
Hey Alex whats up buddy! How have things been? That show was an awesome time that is for sure! You showed some true dedication driving all the way to Epping NH from Maryland that is for sure. Let me know if you ever plan on showing up here again and I will set it up bro. Thanks for the kind words buddy! You got a hot ride their yourself! Take care Alex!
what kit is on the blue cav?
LMAO... Move this one to the bottom man... shouldnt be the first thing you see on that page...
All those sweet cars, then this....

<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
saaweet the pics look good, we need to take the time and get some updates of my car taken, once its fixed that is.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/scoobyz24/personal_pic.jpg">
-Bryan Dube
Team Drop Zone
Vice President
That is the Andy's Autosport kit. I also installed the Wings West Mini Me Commando wing and an APC Carbon fiber hood to finish it off. I miss that car. I sold it this past November. Thanks for the compliments!!!
adam, how bouts expanding upwards too, like BC,?:p
1st 1st gen on air.....
mmmmmmmm....the james cahill mobile

yummy.....cant wait to finally see it soon in person bro...get gotta get toether in albany again soo

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
Abby you know I think your ride is HOT! Drop me a line and we can talk! Thanks for all the kind words. Kandyman I will let James know you said hello when I talk with him.
STYLEZ24 wrote:LMAO... Move this one to the bottom man... shouldnt be the first thing you see on that page...
All those sweet cars, then this....

difforant tastes man dont hate its his car let him mod the way he wants.
adam as always rides look great club is really starting to take off man as i knew it would . you got any maine members yet ? just wondering you got every other state but i didnt know about maine. keep up the great reprosentation you and your crew is throwin down maybe if i go to a show this year ill see ya. doubt ill e showing though.
Agreed Daves ride is a sweet ride and I love the way it is progressing. Jason thanks for the kind words bro! As far as ME members we had a couple last year, but non as of non. Gary Shaw use to run the ME chapter so it was easier then, now it is harder to recruit new members from up there with no one living there currently. If you know anyone from ME that is interested in joining up tell them to drop me a line or whatnot. Anyway bro take care and I hope to see ya soon!
Very nice man And i liked it better when there was two pics of my car there lol... jk bro finally glad to be able to put whatever pics we want up on the site.
looks good...more pics of girls,girls and more girls....oh and the cars look good.....haha
LOL there will more pics of the girlies I can assure you that

. Jay I also liked it better when there was only two pics of your car also because people had less reason to make fun of us

. OF course I am just kidding he he. Thanks for the comments guys!
I hope to have the Z's trunk done in time for Hot Import Nights in Boston. Lot of good opportunities at that show for some good pics so I need to get cracking