where are the pics
Cobalt Blue, 2.2L I4OHV
they are takin freakin forever to load for some reason.....if the page finishes loading and u see a red X jus right click and hit show picture and they should show up
Post pics once you are done!!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
take off the side moldings, unless its a drift kit door skin... hard to tell
and wut kinda paint are u gonna do? all one color i hope? or maybe ghost flames?
umm they GTFactory Diablo hinges, and i will post pics as often as i can during the paint progress....and those side moldings have been removed they was from my Type J sides...but i got a crack in the urathane so im using Bomex sides.....also the pics of parts that are on the car i dont have as of yet are kyb gr2 struts and carbon fiber invader hood and custom fiberglassed door panels and custom sub enclosure and some other lil things.....the paint will be graphites and such to blend with the CF on the car with a custom airbrush design....the guy said it wouldnt be to busy but itd be sick...so i jus have to wait and see.......anyways....thanks for the comments and keep them coming.......
very nice i love seeing crazy cavis like yours keep up the good work
don't like the inside colors. Props for the work though
Nice the gt2 that have 2 pistons each those are the tru vertical they go all the way 90 degrees have seen them on a car. and they hold up much better.
yea i really like how far these go up the almost look like they go past 90 when opened all the way but u can adjust all that junk and everything.....thanks for the comments keep them coming......should have some pics of the custom door panels soon and maybe some paint process pics.........
should have some more pics up by the weekend if ya wanna check back......
how much did the lambos cost you?
very nice. some bags will set that off nicely
I thought someone was joking until I saw the multiple mounting points for those struts...
Why in the world would you need two? If you get quality struts, that just makes it more expensive...
Car is Gay Ryne nah man it looks good BTW i wanna go up to JP's shop this week and see it for myself
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Love the paint .........looks good...........
the hinges dont need two...they come with two....those struts can lift almost 7 hundred pounds...when the door pops out the want to open on there own....jus makes for easier and quicker lift or no lift at all......thanks for the comments and keep them coming
where did you buy the hinges?
their website is saying that its 2000 dollars for the kit!
looking good man. hopefully i'll be able to see it in person at the spring WV J meet in charleston.
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Nice so far!!! I'm impressed! Hopefully I'll get to see it at the WV meet, too!!! Can't wait to see that paint!
thanks guys....i hope to be at the WV meet i should have some pics of the car painted ina week or so...i appriciate the comments keep them comin