Well heres what i did over some of my spring break.....
Heres the Weapon R header.....let me tell ya the car pulls alot more now.

Heres a pic of the upper mount...i have the lower one on too but im not crawling and taking pictures

And here the fiberglassed dash in the car.....fits like a glove.
Nice I like the color combo of the interior

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
the car looks great. keep up the good work. where did you get that header from? did you have any issues with the install?
tastefully done.. like the interior
I got the header from a guy off of ebay for like 200 bucks. The install was kinda a bitch cause i had some problesm getting the damn thing behind the motor and then the header bolts get in the way so i had to leave two of em off till i can cut them and get a nut on them. It took about 3 hours total. The dash isnt painted yet but the top will be arrival blue to match the car and then bezel will be metallic siver.
Dope interior. That header looks familiar...
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
how was the motor mount install

Im a level 32 joedm newb flamer.
It was a piece of cake.......it took 25 minutes to install the upper and lower mounts max.
nice car, just hide the neons under the dash. it will look a lot better.