where are the "freaking awesome" pics?

www.columbustuning.com & www.columbusracing.com
Adam (StealthCavalier) wrote:where are the "freaking awesome" pics?
<img src="/images/blackdot.gif" width="100%" height="1" border="0">
<img src="http://www.assklown.net/images/SilverSRT4/SilverSRT4_Large.gif">
<a href="http://www.assklown.net/">Website</a> | <a href="aim:goim?screenname=SilverSunfire&message=">AIM</a> | <a href="mailto:admin@assklown.net">Email</a>
lol, I do like the wheels.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
EHHHHHHHHHHH......Hmmmmm...no clue what to type man. Good luck to it in the future though.

"All my life I have been trying to figure out who is behind this face of mine"
just paint the trunk and get better wheels. thats all you need. its not a horrible car, just not really anything great yet. it has potential. dont have a down attitude about it.

www.columbustuning.com & www.columbusracing.com
Hey those are nice tails, glad to see you made it home alright last night.........that was a long a$$ drive you made up here.
has potential.....
i would like to see a CF trunk / hood on there actually....
nobling wrote:Hey those are nice tails, glad to see you made it home alright last night.........that was a long a$$ drive you made up here.
haha, yeah I followed the wrong guy cause he ended up going home

I felt stupid but ahwell what can I do I just went home. Glad to have met ya guys! I didnt even get to checkout your guys' cars even.
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im going to go out on a limb here and make a suggestion. if you cant get the hood and trunk painted anytime soon... consider this... primer the whole car in flat black primer. take off the moldings before you do it. i think an all flat black look might not look that bad, and in the meantime you could be saving up money to get the whole car repainted. in whatever color you like... just a thought, think about it.

www.columbustuning.com & www.columbusracing.com
Yes. Do that. Quality takes time. Trust me.
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....