well do both, i say do CF inners and stock on the outside...it might look good. just my $.02
i like the red ones...
<a href="http://www.midnightaddictions.com"> <img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/black03cavi/thumbnail_personal_pic.jpg"></a>
Gen 3 Carbon fiber tails No contest.....
those carbon fiber tails look HOT on your car
Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04
WOW, and people said day pics would make people not like the stock ones... i love em, go with em. i dont think i have seen many if any at all that went with stock looking tails on the filler pannel, i love it
<a href="http/www.cardomain.com/id/fireside">stevefire23</a>
CF FOR SURE! No doubt bout it!
go with the cf, stock looks wierd... evrything on your car has the concept of black and silver and if you add red it look out of place
go with the carbon fiber man it looks better
stock looks good in the day im surprised
caviefreak: Ya know what I like about winter. Ya can get a bunch of beer out of the fridge and put it in the window sill so ya dont have to make as many trips out to the fridge
Both look good its your choice man.
Toyota Tails!!
Sorry, had to be different
definetly the CF ones, they look better with the filler panel, IMO the stock ones look funny with that panel, so CF for sure
Click Here for PIX!!
CF, the stock ones make it look like the hamburglar or something.
i say go c/f but both looks sweet, u can't make the wrong decision
Carbon Fiber...that's my opinion though.
www.kronosperformance.com / 732-742-8837
if u didnt have the filler piece id say stock but the carbon fiber ones look amazing with the filler piece that you do have on