I finally got my 18's and am ready to DROP the car. Here is a few pics.
Here is a pic of what they are going on.
Any and all comments welcome thanks
And yes THE CAR IS GONNA BE DROPED 1.5 in the Front and 1.75 in the rear AS SOON AS THE WHEELS ARE ON.
dude I love those rims
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
nice rims, should look really nice on ur car...
:: dEstIneD 2 dIe ::
put them on then ill comment.. not sure how thats gunna look. u have centercaps i hope?
what brand of wheels are they?
Should look nice with the drop you have planned.
1992 GMC Sonoma GT #492. Oh, Its just a stock V6!
1999 Cavalier Coupe, daily driver, 2200/M5. Mods and pics are in my registry.
Fully built turbo 2200 in progress, should be installed very soon. Will post details as they happen.
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^^^ yea i do have centercaps And yes they are yellow too just to match the rivits. I think they will look good on the car i am gonna do a nice subtle Black pinstrip down the side of the car to set them off also i wil be doing a C/F hood and C/F tailights.
Keep the comments coming.
They should look badazz... I'll wait to give you my oppinion once they are on the car...
Whoever painted them did a great job!
but......... no pinstripe!! nooooooooo.....
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"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
i like em alot, but i dunno about yellow centre caps. I always thought coloured centre caps look a little cheesy. Cant wait to see them on the car though.
They look nice, just a little too much black for me. If they had a polished they would be better
99 Z24
#25 to register on the Org !!
Johnny Mack Turbo Systems
Engineered Performance
nice rims, that things be needing a drop for a while. hurry up and get both done, then take some pics
damn it's gotta SUCK to shovel that driveway
but anyways, it shoudl look good with the wheels if you drop it
that should look great. get those windows tinted
Jason McElvy wrote:They look nice, just a little too much black for me. If they had a polished they would be better
I tried that But they guy that had them before me sprayed the wheel with Acid so thats why i had to get them powdercoated no chrome let on it or i woulda.
damn it's gotta SUCK to shovel that driveway
yes it does LOL.
On another topic do you guys think i should go with the centercap yellow or shoot it Black. its silver now????
Also do you guys think i should do a small black pinstripe??
mmmmm gotta love adr...

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
looks good man. post some pics when they are installed!
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I to will wait to see them on the car. I like them but definately need to see them installed. As for the center cap I would just paint it black to match or leave it silver
I think black center cap, i think rims looks sweet, and i think I want to see them on there!!
Words that you can't use in modding: Finished, Perfect, Cheap.
daaaaaaaaaammn those rims are sooo nice. i wish you had a stock body kit and a lip or something other than that kit.no offense. but nice rims
Very nice.........Love the colors.......and the kit too...........
I wish that I had a nice set of rims like that...
Guess that I will have to wait....
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either leave the centre cap silver or paint it black, but definately NOT yellow.