^^only decent pic of car with kit on, taken last summer (and that's my lil bro)
^^old pic before kit and misc. mods
^^another old pic from car show last summer, but you can kinda see the engine bay
(go ahead and flame the zebra interior, but I like it)
looks nice, cept the interior. lol. and i hate those sides on any j.
Nice and clean, what kind of rims are those? Size?
Keep up the good work
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
Car looks good ! The only thing i dont like is all the green on the wipers, brakes, and engine bay, but its not bad...
those wheels go well with that kit
those wheels look good. only thing i dont like is the interior. you should redo the enging bay with some white accents to go with the interior
thanks, the wheels are chrome, 18" ADR Demonya
^^ here's an interior shot. It's not a recent pic, but it gives you the idea. (ties in the engine and all the green)
nice ride man!

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
i don't like the green...change everything that is green to like silver or grey or something, then it would look good
Yeah the green and the white tiger print clash kinda bad. Everything else is cool tho!
I'm just wondering about the steering weel, you have the airbag covered. I wonder
if that's safe just in case you got into an accident?
The exterior is amazing. Great work.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mattsrad/sig.gif"><img src="http://www.houston-imports.com/forums/images/smilies/headbang.gif">
looks good man. i dont think ive seen it since you got the kit on. maybe you can make it to the next wv J meet. itll be in charleston around april or may. either way keep up the good work! weve gotta hold it down for the Js in the mid ohio valley
<img src="http://www.tabascoracing.com/images/splash_01.jpg"><a href="http://www.tabascoracing.com">
i really like the wheels. they flow well with the body kit.
car looks sweet!

Portage, MI
amazing y friend
hmmmm.... I am confused, and the Blonde genius that is me,
does not easily get confused
paint the wipers black again
and the drums and calipers would look better black too
what is that on the drift sides behind the door? mesh?
car looks super nice... i really like it...
:: dEstIneD 2 dIe ::
Ah man the first pic of your car looks great, except for the green calipers. The kit and wheels go so well together and black is a great color for your settup the exterior looks super nice.
But the interior no offense is the absolute worse thing I've seen attempted. Take off the Zebra stuff, (especially the steering wheel cover) And change the green, black would be ideal.
I love your car man but the interior just needs some T.L.C. The exterior is pimp.
Green isnt that bad... since black goes with anything...
but WOW.. what happened to your interior?? the zebra stripes gotta go....
<Img src="http://www.gnx.ca/stylez/stylez05sig.jpg">
"Have faith in people....God is just an imaginary friend for grownups."
I love it, man. Looks hott as hell. Be sure to come to the next WV meet so we can see it in person
I'm thinking about painting the wipers black, so it looks cleaner. & yes, that's mesh on the side skirt--I think that's gonna be black soon, anyway.
as for the interior, i can remove all the zebra within a few minutes--and i would remove it if i had black seats, but they're tan.
I also considered going with an all black oem interior, but since I'm wanting to sell it, I don't want to put anymore money into it.
I'm planning on selling it within a year or so, anyway. I'm hoping to get a newer Dodge Ram 1500.