nice man, it looks way better on a gt then a SE bumper
nice nice need to cut out the froint part of that bumper to you can show oiff whats gonna be underneath it
It looks great! I'm curious as to how low it will be though once it's installed. Mine scrapes a fair bit as it is...
I'm doing the same thing... just waiting looking for a spare SFGT bumper to work on. I noticed that you shaved the point on the lip to match the gt bumper... but i'm courious to know if you extended the lip length to cup inside the wheel well or what.... would you mind sharing a few pointers?
Wild Weasel wrote:It looks great! I'm curious as to how low it will be though once it's installed. Mine scrapes a fair bit as it is...
Whats your drop with your current suspension? I think i should be ok ... tokico HP with tein High Tech springs 1.1 drop
Hey Jeff,
thanks for the pics that will help out a bunch.. just on last question if you don't mind.... What did you use to fill the gap? did you use urethane?
looks good jeff. now you just need a car to put it on
Al stfu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and ya the gap was filled in with urethane so if i do scrap it will not crack like fiberglass
Jeff Rutter wrote:and ya the gap was filled in with urethane so if i do scrap it will not crack like fiberglass
thank you so kindly

all i need now is a spare SFGT bumper
All the best to you and your car this season!
ya brian
now i just have to figure out what to cut away for the intercooler.
cuz i dont want to cut up the bumper to much.
looks pretty sharp man
I'm picking up a 00+ gt front in a couple weeks
going to shave the vents, the pontiac symbol, and the ridges between the plate and the signals.

<a href="http/">stevefire23</a>
VERY nice idea, can't wait to see it painted!
Nice job on the custom work. I was going to do that to my GT bumper but I wanted to do the SE swap instead with lots of tips from wild weasel.
Did you use a spare peice of bumper and urethane that in place in the middle then smooth it? Or did you Just use like liquid urethane? I dont think the liquid would work or goop.
I guess putting another peice of bumper/plastic would be the only way to do it.
Definately looks HOT. Cant wait to see the finished pics.
ya it was a kit from a store but i think its the same as liquid urethane.
is there anywhere online that sells lip kits for sunfires ;( sorta off topic so sorry
West wing made one. but they are had to find
and RK sport