don't mind the roughness of the speaker hole I will be making a wood overlay that covers the rough cut and old speaker grill. Overall im pleased.
Looks like you need to clear coat it.
And why it the hell did you cut holes in your door panels???
The Silver J......Ridin' Clean....
looks some pics when its in the car, should look hot
Looks good, id suggest covering your "wood overlay" in the same material so it matches and flows good! But tis lookin cool!
that looks really good

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85
how did u get that piece of to recover it?
is that vynal? or just fabric?
did you actually take that piece off? or did you just wrap it around there while still attached to the door?

Portage, MI
Sweet...............................I should try that!!!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
It is covered in fabric, I took off the door panel and removed the inner panel from the main door panel. I took out the old insert and covered the hard plastic with some spray adhesive then stuck on the new fabric. I used some Devcon plastic welder to re-attach the panel to the door and there you go.